Harris Matilda, Jasper st. s of Ross
Harris Rachel, cook, Low st e of Forest
Harris Mary, washer, Hull lane e of Forest st
Harris Thomas, labourer, n side Douglass st w of Forest
Harris Sarah, w side Potter st s of Douglass
Harris Betsy, washer, w side Exeter st s of Low
Harris Mrs. Asbury lane near Pratt st
Harris Richard, drayman. Dover st w Eutaw
Harris John, waiter, Perry st e of L Paca
Harris Mary, Perry st w of Howard
Harris Joseph, labourer, Welcome alley e of Howard st
Harris Easter, Montgomery st. w of Light
Harris Philip, porter, Hanover st s of L Hughes
Harris Mary C. laundress, Bank st w of Canal
Harris Henrietta, laundress, Lombard st w of Canal
Harris Henry, labourer, s side Salisbury st e of Canal
Harris Rachel, w side Happy alley n of Gough st
Harris Edward, ship carpenter, e side Spring st n of Gough
Harrison Daniel, labourer, Sugar alley w of Light st
Harrison Ann, Sugar alley w of Light st
Harrison James H. labourer, William st n of West
Harrison Horace, labourer, Sharp st s of Hill
Harrison Daniel, bricklayer, 88 Bond st
Harrison Nicholas, cor Bath and Davis sts
Harrod Perry, labourer, Sarah Ann st e of Cove
Harrod Henry, washer, York st e of Sharp
Harrody Wm. drayman, Run alley s of Saratoga st
Harvey Henry, waiter, Lerew's alley s of Centre st
Harvey James, Williamson alley e of Charles st
Haskins James, drayman, Union st near Penn, avenue
Haskins Dafny, washer, Uhler's alley
Haslett James, scowman, Spring st n of Baltimore
Hatton Nancy, washer, Union st near Penn, avenue
Hauson John, carter, Perry st w of Howard
Hawkins Luther, labourer, Chestnut alley e of Pine st
Hawkins Alexander, sailor, York st w of Hanover
Hawkins Maria, washer, Pierce st e of Cove
Hawkins Richard, sawyer, Rock st s of Saratoga
Hawkins Clarissa, washer, e side Howard st s of Dover
Hawkins George, wagoner, Forest st n of Douglass
Hayburn Samuel, carter, Union st opposite Richmond market
Hayden Basil, drayman, e side Exeter st n of Gay
Hays Priscilla, Columbia st opposite Emory
Haysen Basil, drayman, e side Exeter st n of Gay
Hayward Rosetta, rear of Calvert st n of Saratoga
Hayward John, drayman, cor Bank and Eden sts
Hazert John, carter, Short st n of Orleans
Hazleton Robert, stevadore, Sugar alley e of Charles st
Heath Lucy, Marion st w of Park
Hebrew Hensey, washer, St Mary's st e of Ross
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