Anderson Samuel, barber, 41 e Baltimore st. dvv Mott near Gay
Anderson Samuel, caulker, e side Apple alley n of Lombard st
Anderson Jacob, mariner, e side Strawberry al s of Lombard st
Anderson —— eating house, 31 Market space
Anderson James, barber, Second st 2 doors w of Market space,
dw 31 Centre market space
Anthony Daniel, wagoner, w side Potter st n of Pitt
Anthony Rachel, oyster dealer, e side Potter st n of Pitt
Anthony Samuel, sawyer, Pearl st n of Saratoga
Anthony Geo. porter, e side Potter st s of Low
Applebury Wm. labourer, L Hughes st e of Charles
Appold J. barber, Eutavv st. dw Union st near Penn, avenue
Arcany Aaron, labourer, Low st e of Forest
Arkomy James, L Montgomery st w of Hanover
Armistead Wm. carpenter, Burgundy alley w of L Paca st
Armstrong Henry, morocco dresser, Biddle alley near Ross st
Armstrong Dennis, shoemaker, Sterling st n of Monument
Armstrong John, w side Argyle alley n of Alice Anna st
Ash Vincent, labourer, Lerew's alley n of Saratoga st
Ashton Teresa, washer, e side Forest st s of Orleans
Askins Job, labourer. Guilford alley w of Light st
Askins Blane, labourer, w side Strawberry alley n of Pratt st
Askins Christopher, porter, L Hughes st vv of Hanover
Askins Thomas, labourer, Fleet st w of Market
Atkinson Abraham, labourer, Wayne st w of Sharp
Austin John, sawyer, Monument st w of Aisquith
Ayres H. Sharp st n of Lexington
Ayres Rebecca, washer, Sugar alley e of Charles st
BACCHUS Rachel, washer, East st n of Douglass
Bacon Wm. waiter, Dover st e of Eutaw
Badger Elisha, sawyer, Biddle alley near Ross st
Badger E. porter, 16 Lombard st
Badger Jarret, drayman, Eutaw st n of Barre
Badger Benj. labourer, Biddle alley near Ross st
Badger Richard, carter, Guilford alley e of Charles st
Bailey John B. tavern keeper, 9 Saratoga st. dw Mechanics
court near High st
Bailey Wm. labourer, Chapel alley near Mulberry'st
Bailey Wilez, w side Happy alley s of Wilk st
Bailey Evan, labourer, Biddle alley near Ross st
Bailey Samuel, caulker, 72 Argyle alley n of Fleet st
Bailey Phillis, washer, Lerew's alley s of Mulberry st
Bailey John, labourer, w side Strawberry alley s of Bank st
Bailey Lucy, washer, Lerew's alley s of Mulberry st
Bailey J. B. barber, Mechanics' court near cor High and Hillen
Bailey Frank, sawyer, Guilford alley w of Light st
Bailey Wm. drayman, York st w of Hanover
Bailey Isaac, drayman, L Hughes st w of Charles
Baily Geo. Henry, L Sharp st s of Lexington
Baily Isaac, carpenter, Dover st e of Paca