Scott Andrew, shoemaker, Lewis st n of Holland
Scott Rossiter, com. mt. dw w side Exeter st n of Low
Scott Charles, constable, Hamburg st w of William
Scott Joseph, lumber wagon driver, Johnson, st s of Cross
Scott James, grocer, cor Fleet st and Apple al
Scott Wm, tailer, Pratt st w of Market
Scott Franklin, carpenter, e Baltimore st e of Lloyd
Scott Samuel, grocer & feed dealer,, cor Baltimore st and Straw-
berry al
Scott mrs Ann, Strawberry al s of Lombard st
Scott Joseph R. rigger, cor Spring and Fleet sts
Scotl Wm. H. draper and tailor, 10 Holliday st
Scott misses, boarding house, n w cof Howard and Lombard sts
Scotti mrs Mary, fancy store, 11 South st
Scotti Lewis F. dw cor St Paul st and Bank lane
Scover. Edward, carpenter, Mulliken st n e of Fairmount
Scribner S. & Co. Fayette st 4 doors e of Calvert
Scribner S. of firm, dw 71 n Charles st
Scriven Thomas J. carpenter, Mulberry st w of Pine
Scroggs Ann, w side High st n of Pitt
Scroggs Robt. carpenter, Gough st w of Bond
Scrook Susan, s side Mercer st 5 doors e of Light
Seabrook Thomas, tailor, dyer and scourer, e side Charles st 2d
door s of Lombard
Seabrooks mrs Mary, seamstress, Richmond st e of Tyson
Seager T. picture framer, 7 s Sharp st. dw Hill st
Searle Eliza A. milliner and dress maker, n e corner Liberty ami
German sts
Searley Jane, bacon deafer, e side Ann st n of Gough.
Searley Geo. R. bacon dealer, e side Ann st n of Gough
Searley James E. teacher, w side Ann st s of Fleet
Sears James, tobacconist, Rock st n of Lexington
Sears Thomas, Hollins st vv of Schroeder
Seccleman Michael, grocer, Potter st s of Douglass
Seccombe Thomas, carpenter, Hanover st dw Thomsen st near
Belle Air market
Seche Joseph, mahogany dealer, 13 Park st. dw Clay st e of
Seebode F. distiller, 11 Shakspeare st
Seebold Jas. carrier of "Sun" paper, East st s of Hillen
Seed James, butcher, Penn avenue near Biddle st
Seeger Thomas, looking glass man. 7 Sharp st. dw Hill st e of
Seeeer Jacob, siiver plater, German st e of Sharp
Seeger Charles, silver plater, Hull's lane e of Forest st
Seemers Harman, firm Seemers & Clare, dw Howard st s of
Con way
Seemore Z ichariah, labourer, Wayne st e of Eutaw
Seemuller Augustus, segar and tobacco warehouse, 6 Baltimore
st 3d door w of ihe bridge
Seeton James, brass finisher, York st e of Light