Pattee Sarah, dress maker, German st e of Howard
Patterson A. B. merchant, 67 Smith's wharf
Patterson John, merchant tailor, 2-2 South st
Patterson James, clerk, e side Light st 3 doors s of Montgomery
Patterson Wm. A. attorney at law, Fayette st betw St Paul and
Charles, dw e side High 2 doors s of Baltimore
Patterson Edward, iron dealer, w side Gay st s of Baltimore
Patterson mrs Mary Ann, Louisiana st e of Greene
Patterson Henry, cor Cove and Saratoga sts
Patterson John, paper hanger, Holliday st n of Saratoga
Patterson H. North st 2 doors s of Lexington
Patterson Miss, St Paul st s of Franklin
Patterson John M. D. cor Franklin and St Paul sts
Patterson mrs Elizabeth, Franklin st w of Cliatsworth
Patterson John, carpenter, Biddle st near Penn avenue
Patterson Henry, grocer, cor Cove and Saratoga sts
Patterson John, carpet weaver, corner L Hampstead st & Straw-
berry alley
Patterson mrs Prudence, seamstress, Friendship al near Eden st
Patterson James, shoemaker, Monumentst w of Caroline
Patterson Joseph W. printer, n side French st nearly opp East
Patterson Gurney, e side Paca st s of Mulberry
Patterson mrs C. boarding house, e side Market alley
Patterson Wm. George, tailor, Gay st s of Canal
Patterson Wm. cooper, cor Conway and L Paca sis. dw Paca
near Greene
Patterson Robert, turner, Uhler's al dw L Greene st n of Paca
Patterson mrs Eleanor, Barre st e of Hanover
Patterson Wm. cooper, Charles st near Lee, dw Lee w of Charles
Patterson Jeremiah, Lee st w of Charles
Patterson James, cooper, York st e of Howard
Patterson Wm. seaman, Hanover st n of York
Patterson John, shipwright, Alice Anna st e of Market
Patterson James J. collector, Pratt st e of Caroline
Patterson John, Happy alley s of Gough st
Patterson Joshua, labourer, Caroline st n of Gough
Patterson Wm. P. e side High st 2 doors n of Baltimore
Patterson J. W. & E. iron store, s w cor Commerce and Pratt
Patterson J. W. of firm, w side South st n of Second
Patterson Edward, w side Gay st n of Second
Pattison Samuel, firm Smith & Pattison, dw Hanover st
Patton Wm. drayman, 71 Albemarle st
Patton Wm. labourer, Harford avenue n of Madison st
Patton James H. cabinet maker, Paca st e of Warner
Patton miss M. milliner, 249 Baltimore st
Paul Alexander, millwright and machinist, corner Lexington st
and Run alley, dw Pearl st n of Baltimore
Paul James, merchant, e side Eutaw st 4 doors n of Saratoga
Paul Wm. book binder, Mulberry st 2 doors e of Pine
Paul Wm. tobacconist, 309 Baltimore st
Paul John, firm Philips & Co. Centre market space near Arcade