Murray James, bricklayer, Sterling st e of Mott
Murray Elizabeth, w side East st s of Douglass
Murray Mrs. e side Potter st n of Pitt
Murray James, engineer, Hollins st w of Cove
Murray James C. grocer, cor Lee and Charles sts
Murray James, millwright, York st e of Light
Murray Michael, York st w of Charles
Murray James, machinist, Hill st e of Hanover
Murray Arthur, grocer, Salisbury st e of Canal
Murren Mary, w side Exeter st s of Low
Muschett Walter, tobacco merchant, Light st wharf, dw Mul-
berry st e of Charles
Museum Baltimore and gallery of fine arts, n w cor Calvert and
Baltimore sts. Miss A. R. Phillips manageress
Musgrave Wm. leather inspector, e side Exeter st n of Wilk
Musgrave Rev. G. W. pastor of 3d Presbyterian church, dw
n Eutavv st adjoining the church
Musgrave mrs Margaret, e side Exeter st n of Wilk
Musgrave Andrew, cooper, w side Patterson st near Pratt, dw
Exeter st n of Wilk
Mushaw David, grocer, cor Paca and Cove sts
Musselman John, letter carrier, Hanover st n of York
Musterman, Chas. A. baker, Ross st 1 door from Eutaw
Muth Philip, baker and grocer, n w cor Charles and Paca sts
Myer——, tanner, Monument st e of Spring
Myer Lewis, cabinet maker, Cowpen al near Liberty st
Myer George, labourer, Chamberlain al opp Eulaw church
Myer Conrad, shoemaker, w side Paca st n of Baltimore st
Myer Jacob, baker, cor William and Cross sts
Myer Godfrey & Francis, Thomsonian med. laboratory, cor Pre-
sident and Fawn sts
Myer Godfrey, dw Pratt st n side e of Centre market space
Myer John, cor Hanover and Conway sts
Myer John, cabinet maker, cor Wilk and Exeter sts
Myer Thomas, brickmaker, 133 Hanover st
Myer Wilhelm, labourer, w side Argyle al s of Alice Anna st
Myer John, tailor, Fawn st w of High
Myers Mrs Ann, preceptress, Saratoga st e of Cove
Myers Susan, dry goods store, 107 Bond st
Myers Henry, 18 n Frederick st
Myers Jacob, sr. tobacconist, 21 Bond st
Myers Mrs. cor St Paul and Centre sts
Myers Jacob & Sons, tobacconists, 55 South st
Myers L. tinner and coppersmith, Liberty st s of Lexington
Myers Wm. drayman, Howard st s of Richmond
Myers Wm. tavern keeper, Fell st near Wolfe
Myers mrs Sarah, Mulberry st 2 doors w of Jasper
Myers John T. shoemaker, George st e of Pine
Myers Adam, basket maker, Union st near Ross
Myers Samuel, weaver, Pierce st w of Chatsworth
Myers James, butcher, Baltimore st e of Gilmer