Mettee Philip, smith, s e cor Lombard and Grant sts. dw Lom-
bard e of Charles
Mettee Wm. H. smith, Uhler's alley, dw Charles st n of Uhler's al
Mettee L. C. smith, Balderston st
Mettinger George, butcher, Ross st near Biddle
Mettinger Gotieib, butcher, Pitt st e of Eden
Metz John, cabinet maker, Madison st e of Howard
Metz A. H. music teacher, e side Gay st s of East
Metz Abram, stone mason, Wilk st e of Bond
Metz mrs Mary, Aisquith st s of Chew
Metzgar Mrs. Lexinglon st 1 door w of Park
Meushaw mrs Rachel, Howard st n of York
Meushaw mrs Charlotte, washer, w side Light st s of West
Meyer Ferdinand, variety store, 57 Baltimore st
Meyer G. carpenter, e side Liberty st s of German
Meyer Godfrey & Son, brass founders, 12 Pratt st near Concord
Meyer George, of firm, dw 12 Pratt st near Concord
Meyer B. firm Charles Fischer & Co. dw 11 Lexington st
Meyer E. H. grocer, cor Hanover and L Hughes sts
Meyer Henry, tailor, cor Wilk and Exeter sts
Meyer Jacob, butcher, Bond st s of Fleet
Meyer Godfrey & Co. general agents of Dr. Thomson, 14 Pratt st
e of Market space, factory cor President and Fawn sts
Meyer Francis, of firm, dw Eden st n of Jefferson
Meyer Frederick, labourer, Wolfe st s of Thames
Meyer J. H. W. liquor, s e cor Light st and Hughes's Quay
Meyers Frederick G. segar maker, President st n of Wilk
Mevers Frederick, tinner, e side Light st s of Hughes's Quay
Mezick Charlotte, Thames st w of Bond
Mice Peter, labourer, e side Apple alley s of Alice Anna st
Mice Wm. labourer, e side Apple alley n of Lancaster st
Micer John, carpenter, w side Bond st n of Gough
Michael ——— Baltimore Arcade, Lexington market
Michael Francis, carter, Jefferson st e of Spring
Michael mrs Mary, 28 n Liberty st
Michael Jacob, tailor, President st s of Pratt
Michael John A. frame maker, Amity st n of Lexington
Michael Henry, blacksmith, 117 s Howard st
Michaels Michael, carpenter, Cove sts of Franklin
Mickle E. & Co. brokers, 182 Baltimore st
Middendorf Henry, tavern, 2 Light st wharf
Middleton Mrs. s w cor Centre and Charles sts
Middleton Richard & Son, dry goods merchants, 103 Baltimore st
Middleton R. dw Courtland st n of Pleasant
Middleton Wm. carpenter, Silver st e of Eden
Middleton & Dorsey, tobacconists, 78 Pratt st
Middleton Henry, grocer, cor Wilk and Wolfe sts
Middleton J. W. tin and sheet iron worker, corner Calvert and
Water sts. dw Granby e of Gough
Mieser John, house carpenter, Alice Anna st w of Market
Milbourn Wm. shoemaker, Pearl st n of Fayette