Keyser Charles M. china, glass and queensware, 12 n Howard
st. dw Paca st s of Saratoga
Keyser John, labourer, West st w of Light
Keyser Michael, firm Poor & Keyser, dw Fayette st
Keyser Moses, 22 Baltimore st
Keyser Samuel S. iron mt. 67 Bowly's wharf, dw cor Lombard
and Paca sts
Keyser (or Reiser) grocer, cor Sharp and Hill sts
Keyser James, dw 251 n Howard st—see Reiser
Keyser Harman, tavern, Pratt st w of Concord
Keyworth & Dryden, mt. tailors, n w cor Hanover & German st
Khunes John, cooper, German st e of Cove
Kidd & White, confectioners, S Baltimore st
Kidd James, firm ditto, dw do
Kidd James, carpenter, York av n of Monument st
Kidd Charles, blacksmith, Pratt st w of Green, dw Paca st betw
Lombard and German
Kiddall Eliza M. boarding house, w side Ann st s of Bank
Kiely John, mariner, w side Ann st n of Alice Anna
Kifle G. confectioner, s side Carpenter's al bet Howard & Eutaw
Kilbourn Samuel, pewter, tin and sheet iron worker, Saratoga
st e of Poppleton
Kilmer Wm. potter, cor Spring st and Bounty lane
Kilmon John, labourer, Castle al near Fleet st
Kilmore Sarah, Canton, e of Harris's Creek
Killer Caspar, weaver, Caroline st n of Gough
Killman Charles, mariner, Shakspeare st e of Bond
Kimberly Mrs M. fancy store, n side Baltimore st e of High
Kimberly Henry, butcher, do do do
Kimberly J. M. firm of Walker & Kimberly, dw n Paca st
Kimberly Wm. H. butcher, Beuren st n of French st
Kimberly Henry, butcher, n side French st w of Beuren
Kimberly Samuel, butcher, e side High st n of Gay
Kimberly Elizabeth, Beuren st n of French
Kimberly Nathaniel, mt. tailor, 21 Thames st
Kimbrough Paul, firm Mohler & K. dw Albemarle st s of Fawn
Kimet Philip, tailor, Thames st w of Bond
Kimmel Mrs Maria, 57 C Market space
Kincade Mrs Barbara, Pearl st n of Favette
Kincaid Mrs Catharine, Low st e of Front
Kinekin Isaac, shoemaker, Hamburg st e of Light
Kines Francis, tinman, 46 Light st wharf, dw Light st betw
Cross and Hamburg sts
Kines C. e side Light st s of Hamburg
King Livingston, carpenter, Lexington st w of Cove
King Rev Jacob, Lexington st betw Charles and Liberty
King Nicholas, carpenter, Saratoga st e of Howard
King John, paint, oil & glass mt. 46 n Howard st. dw 15 Eutaw
King Ann, Clay st e of Howard
King John, grocer, Light st wharf, dw Cove st n of Franklin
King Mrs Julia, cor Fayette and Pearl sts