Howard mrs Cornelia A. Franklin st e of Cathedral
Howard Charles, dw Mount Vernon place, Charles St
Howard Eli D. firm Wright & Howard, Pratt st e of Caroline
Howard mrs Louisa, Aisquith st s of Madison
Howard Robt. & Co. com. mts. O'Donnell's wharf, dw n side
Hillen st 3 doors e of Exeter
Howard James, merchant, Eutaw st s of Madison
Howard James, e side Frederick st n of Second
Howard ———- w side Paca st n of Payette
Howard Charles B. confectioner, n side Gay st w of Exeter
Howard James, labourer, Columbia st w of Scott
Howard Benjamin, carter, Eulaw st opposite Barre
Howard Cornelius, carpenter, Gough st s of Stiles
Howard Wm. boot maker, 35 w Pratt st
Howard T. G. bricklayer, s e cor German and Eutaw sts
Howard Engine House, w side Paca st n of Fayette
Howe Patrick, carpenter, n Calvert st adjoining City mill
Howe ———— firm Menzies & Ho we, boards 25 s Howard st
Howell Wm. & Son, merchants, 46 s Gay st
Howell John B. of firm, dw Franklin st 1 door w of Charles
Howell Wm. P. oil, paint, and glassstore, 22 Cheapside, dw Or-
leans st e of Forest
Howitz Charles, 30 1/2 Harrison st up stairs
Howland mrs Rebecca Ann, 1 Baltimore st
Hownagle Conrad, cabinet maker, e side Jew alley
Howser Jacob, milk seller, w side Light st near Meth. cemetry
Howser mrs Barbara, 19 Pitt st
Howser Catharine, w side East st n of Douglass
Howser Jacob R. chairmaker, e side Exeter st n of Pitt
Hoxter Meyer, pedlar, Wilk st e of High
Hoxter Mary, cor Wilk st and Argyle alley
Hoyt Aaron B. dw and school cor Pleasant and Charles sts
Hubbard Frances, cor North and Pleasant sts
Hubbard George, mariner, Washington st s of Wilk
Hubbard & Shanabrook, porter house, basement of Assembly
Rooms, cor Fayette and Holliday sts
Hubbard capt Wm. Caroline st n of Gough
Hubbard ——— dw Mulberry st betw Pine and Pearl
Hubbard John, blacksmith, 128 n Howard st
Hubbard mrs Mary Ann, 281 n Howard st
Hubbard James, cordwainer, cor Cove and Mulberry sts
Hubbard John, shoemaker, Monument st w of Spring
Hubbard Daniel, York avenue n of Madison st
Hubbard Thos. S, tailor, w side Potter st n of Gay
Hubbard Wm. e side Exeter st n of Gay
Hubbard Wm. ship joiner, cor Fleet st and Star alley
Hubbard Sarah, 16 Philpot st
Hubbard Susannah, e side Bond st s of Baltimore
Hubbard Charlotte, tailoress, cor Washington and Wilk sts
Hubbard James, cooper, 96 Bond st
Hubbart (or Hubbard) & Mullen, carvers, Alice Anna w of Ana