Holland Littleton, jeweller, silversmith and spectacle maker, 13
St Paul st s of Fayette
Holland Wm. cooper, cor Mulberry st and Lerew's alley
Holland Joshua, boot and shoe maker, Baltimore st w of Amity
Holland George, shoemaker, Orleans st extended
Holland John, bricklayer, Aisquith st s of Madison
Holland Samuel, carpenter, McHenry al w of Poppleton st
Holland Dl. brickmaker, West st w of Light
Holland George, butcher, Harford av n of Aisquith st
Holland James, iron dealer, n e cor Light and Water sts
Holland Mrs Catharine, Caroline st n of Baltimore
Holland Wm. constable, Mulberry st near Eutaw
Holland John, Penn av near Hoffman st
Holland James, tailor, e side Gay st s of Aisquith
Holland Sarah, w side East st n of Hillen
Hollander Alex. Union st near Ross
Hiller B. boarding w side Howard st s of Cider al
Hollett Cornelius, carter, Rock st s of Saratoga
Holliday & McKinley, Venetian blind manufacturers and paper
hangers, 6 n Gay st
Holliday John, firm ditto, dw Maiden lane near Aisquith st
Holliday Jesse L. printer, Aisquith st n of Monument
Holliday Frances, tailoress, e side Constitution st n of French
Holliday Miss Ann, milliner, e side Gay st s of East
Hollin Jesse, cooper, Orleans st w of Canal
Hollingshead Francis, sea captain, Lee st w of Hanover
Hollingshead Mrs. boarding, n w cor Hanover and German sts
Hollingshead John, seaman, Hill st w of Charles
Hollingsworth Mrs Mary, Lexington st w of Charles
Hollingsworth Ann D. Saratoga st 2 doors e of Sharp
Hollingsworth & Weller, dry goods mts. 61 1/2 n Howard st
Hollins John Smith, dw Fayette st 2d door e of Holliday
Hollins Wm. dw Fayette st betw Holliday and Calvert sts
Hollins R. S. Secretary Baltimore & Susq. Railroad Co. w side
s Frederick st n of Second
Hollis Charles, Agent Christian Advocate and Jour.; office Rev
I. P. Cook's 52 Baltimore st. dw Gibson st near Biddle
Hollis James, baker, George st w of Penn av
Holloway Robert, watchmaker, w side High st s of Gay
Holloway & Brothers, chocolate, spice and dye wood factors,
Carpenter's al w of Eutaw st
Holloway Geo. firm ditto, dw Eutaw st near Lombard
Holloway Geo. sen. confectioner, cor Lombard & Albemarle sts
Holly ——, labourer, Pierce st e of Cove
Holm Charles L. grocer, cor Lancaster st and Argyle alley
Holmes Oliver, surgeon dentist, Lexingion st opp Court House
Holmes Mrs Ann, seamstress, Williams st opp Gettings's row
Holmes Asa, surgeon dentist, Lexington st opp Court House
Holmes Thomas, fisher, Johnson st n of 6 gun battery
Holmes Margaret, over 5 Harrison st
Holmes Samuel, fisher, Johnson st n of "six gun battery"