Gregory Amos, grocer, cor Charles and York sts
Gregory Joseph, shoemaker, e side Light st s of Sugar al
Gregory James, ship carpenter, Albemarle st s of Fawn
Gremm J. cab. maker, Collins's court rear Saratoga w of Cove
Gremminger Joseph, cordwainer, Shakspeare st e of Bond
Grentrup F. bookbinder, n w cor Lombard and Hollingsworth sts
Grete Frederick, milkman, Aisquith st extended
Greve Joseph, painter, Saratoga st w of Park
Greves David & Son, grocers, 1 Market st e side, dw 3 ditto,
known as County wharf
Greever G. cooper, Franklin st. dw e side Paca st near Franklin
Grey John, carter, Wolfe st n of Alice Anna st
Grey John, keeper of Light house at Lazaretto, dw Canton, on
City line
Grey Francis W. sailmaker, e side Bond st n of Lombard st
Gridley John, lottery dealer, n side Gay st e of Front
Gridley & Co. lottery and exchange office, 4 1/2 n Calvert st
Gridley Mrs. 54 n Liberty st
Grier Isaac, 91 n Calvert st
Grier Mrs. Eleonor, n Howard st betw Monument and Ross
Greiss Tobias, shoemaker, s w cor York av and Madison st
Griest M. grocer, Light st wharf 21, dw Hill st w of Charles
Grieves James, super't. of screw dock, dw Market st near Wilk
Griffin Wm, butcher, Canton, e of Harris's creek
Griffin Lynch, tavern, s side Fish market cor .Concord st
Griffin Richard, coachsmith, Etna lane, dw 50 n Exeter st
Griflin John, bricklayer, Franklin st 2d door w of Chatsworth
Griffin Thomas, labourer, e side Charles sf 2d door s of Camden
Griffin Miss R. milliner, cor Holliday and Fayette sts
Griffin John, grocer, Ross st w of Jasper
Griffin Carval, tobacconist, 9 Jackson's court betw Saratoga and
Lexington sts e of Rock
Griffin E. T. firm S. D. Walker & Co. dw Pearl st n of Mulb-
Griffin Susan, w side Bond st s of Baltimore
Griffin Jacob, butcher, Monument st e of Eden
Griffin John, shoe store, Market st n of Alice Ann
Griffin James, fisher, Strawberry al s of Orleans st
Griffin George, cabinet maker, York st e of Howard
Griffin capt Levi, manner, Sterling st e of Mott
Griffin Robt. B. firm Hall &. Griffin, Baltimore st. dw 85 Conway
Griffiss James, cabinet maker, s side Gay st near Mott
Griffiss Edward, box maker, w side High st s of Hillen, dw e
side High n of Hillen
Griffith Howard, cor Eutaw and Fayette sts
Griffith Robert, wood seller, Charles st s of Henrietta
Griffith Levi, boot and shoemaker, 49 Harrison st
Griffith John, mariner, Stiles st w of Gough
Griffith A, boarding house, Monument square e side, Calvert st
Griffith R. R. &, Co. hardware nits. 2434 Baltimore st
Griffith Romulus R. firm ditto, dw cor Franklin and St Paul sts.
Griffith Thomas, slater, Liberty st e side n of Baltimore