Gaither Fletcher, shoemaker, Ensor st n of Monument
Gaither, Matthews & Quids, dry goods mts. 203 Baltimore st
Gaither R. Fayctte st
Gaither Benj. bailiff, at Esq Blair's office
Galand J. B. mt tailor, n side Lombard st e of Frederick
Galeb Priscilia, Wolfe st n of Fleet
Gallagher & Monaghan, soap and candle factors, and grocers,
44 Lextngton st e of Howard
Gallaagher John, butcher, Beuren st n of French
Gallagher Patrick, shoemaker, 20 n Frederick st
Gallagher mrs C. dress maker, East st s of French
Gallagher Richard, butscher, Penn avenue near Dolphin st
Gallagher James, Hoilidayst n of Bath
Gallagher Pat rick, grocer York st w of Light
Gallagher James, tavern, cor Lerew's alley and Franklin st
Gallagher Mrs. tailored, Madison st w of Eutaw
Gailagher Mrs. Jane, Orchard st near Ross
Gallagher John, letter carrier, corner Ross and Orchard sts
Gallagher Patrick, soap and candle seller, Eden st n of Monu't
Gallagher Lucy tailoress, s side French st e of Exeter
Galagher R. butcher, e side Beuren st n of Liberty alley
Gallagher John, baker, 30 Eutaw st
Gallagher James, blacksmith, e side East st s of French
Gallaway J. tobacconist, Eutaw st n of Franklin, dw Franklin
Gallaway mrs Mary, Eden st n of Bank
Galloway Wm. engineer, Mulberry st w of Park
Galloway mrs Mary, Johnson st n of "six gun battery"
Galloway Aquilla, tinner, Mulberry st w of Calvert
Galloway Jehu, tobacconist, 2-2 Franklin st. dw Eutaw st near
Galloway John, fisherman, n side Fish market [Franklin
Galloway Peter, carpenter, Pearl st s of Saratoga
Glop Catherine, milliner, e side Gays of East
Glop John F piano maker, corner Pratt and Bond sts
Gallup Rufus B. printer, Aisquith st s of Madison
Galt Thompson, teacher, intersection of Harford av & Aisquith st
Galt Elizabeth, w side Caroline st s of Pratt
Galt Dr. John M. office w side Caroline st s of Pratt
Galway Joshua, coppersmith, Calvert st s of Bath
Gamble Margaret, s w corner Mercer and Grant sts
Gamble mrs Jane, shop keener, 56 n Gay st
Gamble David, tavern, McHenry alley w of Poppleton st
Gamble mrs Ann, Pitt st w of Canal
Gamble Rev. James, at M. Meuee's, 21 n Gar st
Gambral J. barber and variety store, York av n of Monument st
Gambraral Robert, chairmaker York avenue n of Monument st
Gambr|ll A. flour merchant, dw 148 n Eutaw st
Gambrill Thomas, feed store, Penn avenue s of Hoffman st
Gambrill Chas. D. flour mt. 4 Light st dw Greene s of German
Games Lydia, corner Alice Anna st and Apple alley
Gann Margaret, washer, n e corner Mercer and Grant sts
Gardiner Wm. & George, ship builders, e end n side Lancaster st