Fox well John, mariner, cor Fleet st and Happy alley
Fox well Margaret, tailoress, Cough st s of Stiles
Fox well capt Charles, Wolfe st s of Wilk
Foy Frederick, grocer, cor Baltimore and Gilmer sts
Foy Peter, collector and agent, Fleet st w of Ann
Foy Harriet, shoemaker, w side Front st s of Gray
For Wm. corns curer, Armistead lane w of William
Foy James, hardware store, and smith's shop, 68 1/2 s Calvert st
dw Hanover st n of Montgomery
Frailey major Leonard, custom house guager, dw n side Fayette
st e of Eutaw
Frailey Clinton, agent Bait, and Susq. R. road, North st. dw 18
Barnet st
Frampton Henry, e side High st s of Gay
France Christian, baker, cor Holland and Lewis sts
France Thomas, painter, Lee st e of Sharp
Frances John, labourer, w side Bond st n of Gough
Franchi Andw. artificial flower man. 36 Baltimore st
Francis Thomas, grocer, cor Lewis and Mullikin sts
Francis Fleetwood, baker, corner Bond and Bank sts
Francis Andrew, s side Hillen st 5 doors w of East
Francis Thomas, labourer, Albemarle st s of Wilk
Francis Robert, s side Hillen st w of East
Francis John, "sun" carrier, e side High st n of Pitt
Francis John, merchant, dw 40 n Gay st
Francisco Francis A. saddle, harness and trunk maker, 58 Balti-
more st. dw 74 North st—see advertisement page 10
Franciscus mrs Sarah F. Bond st n of Hampstead
Franck & Rosenburg, wholesale and retail clothing store, 99 n
Franck Geo. C. tobacconist, 56 Baltimore st [Howard
Franck P. grocery and produce store, Forest st n of Madison
Franck Henry, locksmith, Con way st w of Eutaw
Franck Frederick. shoernaker, w side Bond st s of Fleet
Franck John, baker, cor William and Cross sts
Franck S. tavern keeper, 28 Harrison st
Frank Henry, shoe store, cor Bond and Wilk sts
Frank Osier, fancy store, 95 Bond st
Frank Frederick, tinner, Hill st w of Sharp
Frank O. second hand dealer, 64 s Charles st
Frankenbcrger John, labourer, Lombard st e of Bond
Frankhauser George, tavern keeper, Court house lane opp Court
house, dw Orleans st corner Lewis
Franklin Geo. box maker, 304 Harrison s:, up stairs
Franklin Bank, North st betvv Baltimore and Fayette sts
Franklin Western Savings Institution, Baltimore st w of Eutaw
Franklin John, carpenter, German st 2 doors e of Sharp
Frantom Elizabeth, shoebinder, Liberty alley s of Monument st
Frantzel Christian, shoe store, Fleet st w of Hampslead
Franz Friedrich, 40 Fell st
Fray Samuel, fisher, Hamburg st e of William
Fraze Mr. labourer, Cross st e of Johnson