Ferry Dennis, dw 65 n Howard st
Fesler Philip, dw adjoining City mill n Calvert st
Fetter Gotlieb, cabinet maker, Eutaw st s of Lee
Feuss Fredk. shoemaker, e side Grant st n of Lombard
Few Hetty, 12 s Liberty st
Fey Henry, saddler, Pratt at e of Paca
Fiatkosky Charles, confectioner, 84 w Pratt st
Fick George A. shoemaker, William st s of Cross
Ficke Herman, comb maker, Hampstead st w of Choptank
Fickey Fredk. variety store, 247 1/2 Baltimore st dw 96 n Liberty
Fiddeus Levi, shoemaker, Orleans st w of Lewis
Field H. B. & Co. umbrella manufacturers, 65ft Baltimore st
Field James, cooper, s side Falls st 1 door e of Beuren st
Field Ahitha, pedlar, Core st s of Pratt
Fields James, corner Holliday and Centre sts
Fields Wm. carpenter, Madison st w of Howard
Fields Mary, s side Sterling st w of Monument
Fields Wm. wheelwright, Perry st e of L Paca
Fields Milchel, constable, Lombard st e of Bond
Fields James, grocery and feed store, cor Baltimore and Spring
sts. dw s side Baltimore st w of Caroline
Fifer Francis, blacksmith, Ross st extended
Filbert George, shoemaker, Harford av near rope walk
Filbert Hannah, confectionery, n side French st w of Centre
Fillinger Paul, tavern, w side Patterson st near Cable dw Pratt
Fillinger John, grocer, corner Columbia and Dover sts. dw cor
Paca and Dover sts
Fionister A. shoemaker, 30 Genre Market space
Finch Mrs. Mary, shoebinder, Orleans st e of Caroline
Findel Wilhelrn, labourer, Union st near Ross
Finegan John, weaver, Pierce st w of Cove
Fink Jacob, labourer, Dover st w of Sharp
Finlay John, Gay st opposite the Exchange
Finley Mrs Ebenezer L. Lexinton st w of Pine
Finley Mm E. tailoress, e side Front st s of Low
Finley Thomas, shoemaker, Cove st n of Saratoga
Finley Wm. e side Eutaw st corner Ross
Finley Thomas, grocer, cor Marion and Park sts
Finley James, n e cor Lombard and Grant sts
Finley Mrs Jane, corner Aisquith and Thompson sts
Finley Thomas, postmaster, n side Hillen st 2 doors e of High
Finnegan Peter, labourer, Boyd st w of Schroeder
Finninger Paul, liquor store, dw Pratt st w of Mr Henry al
Firemen's Insurance Company, J. Reese president, corner South
and Second sts
Firoved David, grocer, Franklin st near Chatsworth
First Baltimore Hose house, McClellan's near Baltimore St
Firth Jonas, Howard st near Richmond market
Fischer Charles &, Co. importers of German goods, 274 Balt. St
Fischer Charles, firm ditto, dw Fayette st n aide e of Paca