Dougherty Constantine, pedlar, w side Exeter st n of Pitt
Dougherty John, machinist, w side Exeter st n of Hillen
Dougherty Elizabeth, grocer, Lancaster st e of Market
Dougherty Hugh, carpenter, Lancaster st w of Ann, dw Ann st
s of Wilk
Dougherly Thomas, grocer, cor Bakimore and Spring sts
Dougherty M. tavern, Market st s of Thames, w side county whf
Douglass Mrs R. H. Saratoga st bet Sharp and Charles
Douglass Wm. shoemaker, 73 w Pratt st
Douglass James B. cooper, alley s of Biddle st near Ross
Douglass David, cooper, e side Constitution st s of Monument.
dw opposite
Douglass Dr A. B. corner Hanover and German sts. dw w side
Caroline st s of Bank
Douling Ellen, Strawberry al w side n of Alice Anna st
Dousch John, labourer, Lancaster st e of Bond
Dove Benjamin, Paca st w of Warner
Dover C. shoemaker, Hanover st n of Henrietta
Dovrit James, ship carpenter, Lancaster st w of Wolfe
Dowell Nathl. shoemaker, Hillen st near Monument
Dowell John, dry goods mt. e side Potter st n of Gay
Dowling Mary, variety store, 12 Md Arcade
Dowling Hugh & Son, agricultural lime repository, corner Ma-
dison and Britain sts
Dowling John, conductor on Phil and Wil R Rd. dw Lombard
st n side, w of Albemarle
Dowling John, carpenter, w side Ann st s of Fleet
Downey John, carpenter, 48 1/2 n Gay st. dw 170 n Paca st
Downey Mary, Chesnut al w of Pearl et
Dovvney Wm. B, Ross st opposite Paca
Downey Edmund, house carpenter, Orleans st e of Short
Downing George, dw Fayette st n side betw Pine and Cove st:
Downing Mrs M. Cove st n of Fayette
Downing Nathaniel, lime mt. dw Mulberry st w of Paca st
Downs Wm. bricklayer, Franklin st w of Cove
Downs Mrs Sarah, tailoress, Franklin st w of Cove
Downs Mrs Polly, huckster, cor New and Jaspar sts
Downs James, butcher, Baltimore st e of Gilrner
Downs Mrs Margaret, huckster, Canal st n of Silver
Downs Dr. Dion. apothecary and resident physician of E. Bal-
timore dispensary, cor Baltimore and Canal sts
Downs Rebecca, Argyle al n of Lancaster st
Downs Jonathan, shoemaker, e side Light st s of Hamburg
Dowson Mrs A. A. teacher, Pitt st vv of Temple
Doxey Josiah, pilot, Ann st s of Bank
Doyher Peter, potter, Amity st s of Baltimore
Doyle Catharine, George st e of Pine
Doyle Patrick, tavern, n side Fish market space
Doyle Frederick, labourer, Cross st e of William
Doyle John, boot and shoe maker, s side Ex. place, dw e Lom-
bard st e of Bond