Conradt G. M. worsted manufactory, High st s of Fawn
Conradt G. J. piano forte dealer & music store, 155 Baltimore st
Conradt T. F. clerk, 84 Conway st
Conry Miss, fancy dress maker, w side High et n of Baltimore
Conry Michael, tanner, Forest si n of Madison
Conry Thomas, shoemaker, w side Exeter st s of Low
Constable Elizabeth, shroud maker, Mulberry et near Lerew's al
Constance George, shoemaker, Saratoga st near Gay
Conway & Armstrong, com. mts. 66 South st
Conway John R. firm Conway &, Armstrong, dw Barre st w of
Conway Patrick, labourer, Chesnut al w of Pearl st
Conway Robert, carpenter, Bond st s of Wilk
Conway Alfred, shoemaker, Pierce st e of Chatsworth
Conway Frances A. Thomsen st w of Short
Conway Wm. Hollins st w of the market
Conway John, fisher, Hamburg st Federal Hill
Cooch Z. H. com. mt Bowly's wharf
Coodger Mrs Ann, Pierce st e of Cove
Cook John, clothier, Lexington st e of Elm (or Market alley)
Cook Mrs. Mary, 17 Bath st
Cook Lewis, baker, cor Poppleton and Saratoga sts
Cook John H. cabinet maker, 31 s Calvert st
Cook John, segar maker, Saratoga st w of Cove
Cook Hy. cabinet maker, w side Howard st 3 door n of Perry
Cook Jacob, deputy high constable, Saratoga st 1 door e of Jasper
Cook John, harness maker, 80 North st
Cook George, fancy store, 35 w Pratt st
Cook Mrs, dress maker, dw 80 North st
Cook Columbus E. auctioneer and com. mt. 6 n Charles st
Cook Henry W. firm Flint, Cook & eo. dw 19 Barnet st
Cook John, clothier, 107 n Howard st
Cook Miss Eleonora, Inloes al w of Park st
Cook Wm. farmer, Chamberlain al opp Eutaw church
Cook Benj. shoemaker, Orleans st e of Lewis
Cook mrs washer, Ensor st n of Madison
Clerk Frederick, Montgomery st e of Hanover
Cook Fredk. jr. butcher, Montgomery st e of Hanover
Cook Mrs Jane, burnisher, Montgomery st w of Light
Cook Christian, Hamburg st e of Charles
Cook Hy. Cooper Lee st dw Charles st s of York
Cook Addison S. blacksmith, Charles st n of Montgomery, dw
Henrietta st
Cook Andrew, boiler maker, Hanover st n of York
Cook John, labourer, Lancaster st w of Ann
Cook Robert R. carpenter, cor Bank and Spring sts
Cook Dl. e side Ann st s of Lancaster
Cook Wm. printer, e side Canal st s of Baltimore
Cook Gasper, fan maker, w side Howard st 3 doors s of Perry
Cook & Harris, grocers, n side German st 1 door e of Eutaw
Cook Henry W. firm ditto, dw 139 s Paca st