Director for 1837. Bllb
+Brown Martha, washer, Perry st e of Eutaw
+Brown Jacob, Ferry st e of Eutaw st
+Brown Isaac, labourer, Lerew's al s of Mulberry st
+Brown Mrs. Mary, teacher, 84 Conway st
+Brown Jacob, labourer, Charles st s of West st
+Brown John, labourer, West st extended
+Brown Philip, waiter, Hull's lane w of Aisquith st
+Brown Henry, mariner, Hull's lane e of Friendship st
+Brown James, carter, Low st s of Aisquith st
+Brown John, mariner, Low st s of Aisquith st
+Brown Perry, labourer, 10 Potter st
+Brown Edward, labourer, Douglass w of Aisquith st
+Brown Stephen, potter, Forest s of Douglass st
+Brown Samuel, labourer, Forest n of Douglass
+Brown Perry, barber, Union al e of Eden st
+Brown Ann, washer, Guilford al w of Light st
+Brown Jarncs, fisher, Guilford al w of Light st
+Brown Andrew, barber, Salisbury vv of Canal st
+Brown Jacob, labourer, Salisbury w of Canal st
+Brown Wm. shoemaker, 22 Fleet st
+Brovvn Nathan, sawyer, York avenue
+Brown Nathan, drayman, Welcome al e of Sharp st
+Brown Andrew, barber, 28 Pratt st dw 47 Salisbury st
+Brown Wm. tailor, Saratoga w of day st
+Brovvn Isaac, waiter. Exeter n of Gay st
+Brown Perry, cook, Guilford al w of Light st
+Brovvn Jane, Guilford al w of Light st
+Brown Charity, Hill st near Charles
+Brown Wm. labourer, Willamson's al
+Brown Jacob, shoemaker, Happy al s of Alice Anna
+Brown Stephen, labourer, Happy al s of Alice Anna
+Brown Peter, labourer, Wilk st e of Market
+Brown Thomas, sawyer, Argyle al s of Fleet st
+Brown Charles, sawyer, Happy al near Alice Anna
+Brown Robert, caulker, Argyle al n of Fleet st
+Brown Arthur, sawyer, Apple al near Fleet st
+Brown Thomas, Strawberry al e of Cough st
+Brown Edward, waterman, Spring st s of Balt
+Brown John labourer, Perry st vv of Howard
+Brown James, labourer, Park st s of Saratoga
+Brown Henry, labourer, Briton st Harford av
+Brown Jacob, labourer, Sugar al near Light st
Browne Uriah, surveyer, 25 e Balt st
Browne Mrs. 17 Lexington n of Charles st
Browning Wm. S. hardware mt Pratt w of Paca dw 97 s Paca
Browning Ritson, patentee of improved refrigerator, 17 Com-
merce, dw Exeter near Wilk st
Browning John H. s e cor Market &, Thames sts
Browning Wm. S. hardware mt Pratt w of Paca