BAR Matchett's Baltimore
Baltzell Emanuel, firm of Baltzell Hartzog and Co. w Bait near
Liberty st dw Mulberry st near Cathedral
Baltzell Bubert, printer, Henrietta near Charles st
Baltzell Thomas & Philip, dry good mts 252 w Balt, st
Baltzell Thomas, merchant, Paca s of Fayette st
Baltzell Fulton &. Quimby, whole sale dry good merchants, 270
Baltzell A. merchant 15 Barnet st [w Balt st
Baltzell J. & C. dry good merchanst. 236 w Baltimore, st
Baltzell Charles, merchant, dw 40 Honover st
Baltzell Mrs. Elizabeth, 19 German st
Bamberger James, Polker st Canton
Bamberger John, Bond n of Prait st
Bancroft John, bricklayer, 4 n High street
Bandell George W. silk dyer and scourer, 28 Harrison st
Bandell Mrs. J. B. corner Caroline and Bank sts
Bandell John, block and pump maker, 88 McEJderry's wharf
Bandell William, boot and shoe manu. Centre Market Space
Bandell Andrew J. shoemaker, Maiden lane w of Aisquith
Bandell Frederick, cordwainer, Caroline n of Orleans st
Bangs Francis, labourer, s of Sarah ann st
Bangs John, cordwainer, Columbia near Cove st
Bangs John, constable, Pitt w of Aisquith st
Bangs Wm. H lady's shoe maker, Exeter bet Balt. & Pitt at
dw 12 East street
Banks, see view of Baltimore, in introduction
Bankard Wm. victualler, Hampstead st
Bankard Jacob victualler, Hampstead st
Banks Daniel B. dry good merchant, 29 w Baltimore street
Banks Francis F. dry good merchant, 50 Lexington st
Bannan John, shoemaker, n e corner Bond and Fleet
Bannan H. academy' 97 Balt st up stairs
Bansemer Charles F. & sisters, teachers, cor Green & Balt sts
Bansis Stephen R. ropemaker, Light st extended
+Bantom Richard, Frederick st near Etna lane
Banchaps George, tailor, Pratt e of President st
Baptist Church, corner Sharp and Lombard sts
Baptist Church, Fleet e of Market st f, p.
Baptist Church, Calvert 3d door from Saratoga
Barber Reuben, copper smith, York avenue
+Barcroft Randolph, labourer, 54 n Exeter st
Barestaker, John, victualler, Columbia st extended
Bargar Deeter, bricklay, er 129 Paca st
Barger George, carpenter, Falls turnpike near Tyson st
tBarger Elizabeth, washer Low south of Aisquith st
Bark inspector's office, Dungan's whf adjoining st tobacco w h
Barker William, machinist, 89 Alice Ann st F. P. [Courtland
Barker Francis, iron foundrv, Calvert st dw Mulberry near
Barker & Co. Lot. and ex. office n w cor Balt & Paul's st
Barker John, Iron founder.Calvert near Mulberry dw 12 Water-
54 [loo Row