WIL Matchett's Baltimore
Wilson Wm. m tailor, 16 Franklin st dw Saratoga e of Pine
Wilson Robt, attorney at law, Mulberry st e of Paca
Wilson James E. labourer, Chamberlain al n side
Wilson John, weaver, Preston st s of Ross
Wilson James, baker, Long al s of Saratoga st
Wilson Robert, plaisterer, 127 Eutaw st
Wilson John J. plaisterer, 103 Eutaw st
Wilson James, produce dealer, n e cor Howard and Franklin
sts dw cor Howard and Centre
Wilson John W. carpenter. Lemmon st w of Paca
Wilson John W. grocer, York avenue
Wilson Wm. tavern, cor Pratt and Patterson fits
Wilson mrs Nancy, York avenue
Wilson Joseph, Huckster. York avenue
Wilson mrs Mary L. milliner, 4 s Gay st near Baltimore
Wilson George, copper smith, Water st near C. Market space
Wilson G. B ' & Co. flour store, 55 Smith's wharf
Wilson G. B. &, Co. iron warehouse, Commerce st, dw G. B.
W. 19 s Howard st
Wilson Robert, South st near Baltimore
+Wilson Samuel, labourer, Pierce st w of Pearl
+Wilson Daniel, plaisterer, Pierce st w of Pearl
+ Wilson Thomas, porter, Eager al s of Mulberry st
+Wilson Eliza, washer, New st e of Long alley
+Wilson Samuel, waiter, Carpenter's al e of Paca st
+ Wilson Eliza, washer, Conway st w of Howard
+ Wilson Susan, washer, Howard st extended
+Wilson Wm. porter, Lerew's al n of Saratoga st
+Wilson Wm. labourer, Welcome al w of Sharp st
+Wilson Joshua, carpenter, Potter st n of Douglass
+Wilson Comfort, washer, Pitt st w of Harford run
+Wilson Frederick, porter, 68 East st
+Wilson Adam, sawyer, Forest st n of Douglass
+Wilson Jarnes, coachman, Short st n of Orleans
+Wilson Garrett, Salisbury st w of Canal
+Wilson Caleb, cedar cooper, Park st s of Wagon al
+Wilson Jos. cake shop, cor German and Sharp sts
+Wilson Elijah B. shoemaker, Barre st e of Howard
+Wilson Benjamin, labourer, Welcome al w of Sharp st
+Wilson Sophia, Hill st w of Hanover
+Wilson Rosetta, washer, Calvert st near Saratoga
++Wilson Henry, labourer, Harford avenue
++Wilson Bainard, labourer, Canal st near Short alley
++Wilson Lanslot, labourer, Williams st near Cross
++Wilson Mary L. L alley near Frederick st
+Wilson Thomas, labourer, Mechanic's court near High st
+Wilson Carvin, labourer, Harford avenue
+Wilson Benjamin, labourer, Harford avenue
+Wilson James, hackman, Park st s of Saratoga
+Wilson James, labourer, Strawberry al n of Pratt st