shot and rifle, balls made at their works by a new patent shot
machine. These works are in South Eutaw street extended.
Type Foundry. —The only letter press type foundry now in
the city, is situated in Lovely lane, between South and Calvert
streets. It is owned by a company; Fielding Lucas, junr. agent.
No. 136 Baltimore street. W, & J. Neale, have a Stereotype
Foundry, No. 174 Baltimore street.
Woolen Factories.—Messrs. Whitworth & Sons, Cove street,
manufacture annually 80,000 yards of Linsey, the average value
of which is forty cents per yard, and 200,000 yards of Satinett,
averaging seventy-five cents per yard. These gentlemen have
another establishment in Lexington street, extended. Another
smaller woolen factory is carried on by Mr. Knox in Lexington
street, above Cove street. All these factories are worked b?
steam power. Near Franklin town, about six miles from Balti-
more, is the woolen factory of Messrs. Wethered and Brothers.
These gentlemen have several times received the premium offered
by the American Institute of New York for the best superfine
broad cloths, &c. They can make annually 12,000 yards, broad-
cloth, 30,000 do. cassimeres, 30,000 do/sattinetts, 40,000 do.
Kentucky jeans. Total 112,000 yards per annum.
Besides the foregoing, it may easily be imagined that Balti-
more is not deficient in those species of workmanship which are
common in all cities. We have already fulfilled the promise made
in the beginning of this chapter, by noticing in a compendious
manner those manufactures which, from their variety and indi-
vidual extent, seemed to be of the utmost importance to the
reader, who seeks information. More than this could scarcely be
expected from us; for in this city containing 100,000 inhabitants,
two thirds of the population at least are engaged in handicraft
employments, and it must be perceived at a glance that to enter
into a description of those various operations would be to produce
a work so voluminous as to be altogether inconsistent with our
present design.
Chapter IX.-Commerce of Baltimore.
The rapid advancement of Baltimore in prosperity and opu-
lence is a circumstance in her history so notorious and so fre-
quently remarked, that any thing additional we can now say on
that topic would appear entirely superfluous. But there is another
fact which seems not to be so generally known, or being known,
is not so repeatedly urged on the attention of the public, and
which nevertheless is a fact that involves too many interesting
considerations to be passed over in silence. The fact to which
we have reference is, that the advancement of Baltimore, for
some years back, has by no means equalled what her former pro-
gress, as well her native and adventitious advantages, might