Director for 18371 PUE
Price H., dry goods merchant, 69 1/2 n Howard st
Price John H., blacking manufacturer, Paca st s of Camden
Price Benjamin, merchant tailor, 60 n Howard st
Price ———, surveyor, Madison st e of Howard
Price John, carpenter, Hampstead st e of Strawberry al
Price Margaret, Granby st opposite Gough
+Price John, laborer, Sharp st s of Hill
+Price Levi, shoemaker, Potter st e of Low
+Price Thomas, whitewashes 17 M'Clellan's st
++Price ——— blacksmith, Exeter st n of Hillen
+Price Romeo, waiter, Hamilton st e of Charles
Price Catherine, market woman, Temple st s of Pitt
Pridgeon John, Chamberlain al s side
+Prient Thomas, laborer, Sterling st near Madison
Prigle Jacob, harness maker, York Avenue
Prile Conrard, laborer, 7 Thames st
Primrose William, cedar cooper, n Gay st near Forrest
Primrose William, carpenter, Pine st n of Chestnut al
Prince Caspar, hatter, 5 Thames st e of Market
Prince Capt. John, 157 e Pratt st
Prince Lemuel, carpenter, Gay st near High
Prince John, cordvvainer, L. alley near Frederick st
Prince William, grocer, cor Pitt st and Strawberry al
Pringle Mrs. Lucy, 80 n Charles st
Prior Joseph B , cooper, Saratoga st e of Eutaw
Pritchard Levin, cabinet maker, East st n of Pitt
Pritchard Mary Ann, widow, Hollins st w of Eden
Proctor Wm., hardware merchant, 4 Pratt st dw 73 s High st
Proctor Margaret, widow, Forrest st n of Douglass
+Proctor Charles, porter, Forrest st s of Orleans
Prosper Eliza, George st e of Pine [berry
Proud John G., manager of Pent'y. dw Courtland st s of Mul-
Proud John G. attorney at law, office 18 St. Paul's st
Proudfoot Alexander, agent, Carpenter's al e of Eutaw st
Prout W. B., boot and shoemaker, 113 Camden st
++Prout Sarah, washer, Busy al e of Sharp st
+Prout Ellen, washer, German st e of Cove
+Prout Israel, laborer, cor Columbia and Howard st
+Prout William, sawyer, Busy al e of Sharp st
Pruits Frederick, shoemaker, Orleans st e of Aisquith
Pryor Edward, collector, 97 n Front st
Pryor John, engineer, 5 Gould's court near Montgomery st
Pryor Edward, carpenter, Front st near Hillen
Pryor George W. coach manufactory, Frederick st near Balti-
more dw same
Public Schools, see page 35
Public Store, 43 s Gay st
Pue Joseph, labourer, Lancaster st e of Market
Pue Miss Margaret, Charles st n of Saratoga