Director for 1837. MOO
Mohler Barbara, widow, 67 Pitt st
Moke John, innkeeper, Paca n of Lexington st
Mollison Ellen, washer, Pearl st of Saratoga
Malloy Catherine 7 Hanover st
Monckster Edwin, merchant, Mulberry st e of Charles
Monks Mrs Margaret, George st e of Pine
Monk Wm. cooper, Happy alley, s of Gough st
Monkur Dr. J. C. Ann st n of Alice Anna, office F P institute
Monmonier Dr. J. Pratt st e of Caroline
Monmonier Thomas, carpenter, Pratt st e of Caroline
Monroe Edmond A. salesman, Mulberry st e of Paca
Monsarrat Oscar, drug and apothecary store, 21 Market st + p
Monsarratt N. apothecary, 150 Baltimore st
Monteiro Elizabeth, sempstress, 7 Comet st
Monteilh John and Robert, jewellers, 146 Baltimore st
Montel Peter, 9 Shakspeare st
Montel F. J. Pratt st e of Exeter
Montell Mrs Eliza, e Pratt st n of Gough
Montell F. and C. commission merchants, 85 Smith's wharf
Montell Charles M. of above firm, dw Aisquith st n of Pitt
Montgomery Andrew, weaver, Franldin st
Montgomery Wm. S. machinist, Albemarle st 1 door s of Pratt
Montgomery Wm. Busy alley w of Charles st
Montgomery Mr, cordwainer, Frederick st near Gay
+ Montgomery Nathan, sawyer, Hawk st w of Concord
+Montgomery Martin, Spring st n of Fleet
+ Montgomery Milly, Spring near Wilk st [st
+Montgomery Rachel, huckster, Strawberry alley s of Pinkney
Montponsier Fanny, confectioner, Eutaw st s of Mulberry
Monuments, see page 14
Moody Isaac, cordwainer, Aisquith st s of Holland
Moody John B. tobacconist, 50 Pratt st
Moody Mrs. Christiana, Wolf st 1 door n of Alice Anna
Moody Philip, grocer, 83 McElderry's wharf
Moody Robert, carpenter, Potter st near Hillen
Moon Edward, victualler, Perm av s of Hoffman st
Mooner Andrew, 9 Lancaster st
Mooney Hugh, tailor, Chamberlain's alley s side
Mooney John, weaver, Preston s of Ross st
Mooney Hugh J. merchant tailor, Eutaw s of Fayette st
Mooney Francis, grocer, cor Monument and Spring sts
Mooney Daniel, Canton
Mooney Patrick, tanner, Hillen st e of Front
Moore John, victualler, Gist st Federal Hill
Moore Capt. Wm. mariner, 38 Market st f p
Moore Mrs. Ann, 19 Thames st
Moore Robert, 61 Centre market space
Moore Wm. N. tailor, 43 Lexington st
Moore John, lumber inspector, Hanover st s of Barre