SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Mary-
land, That a new election district in Carroll comity be and the
same is hereby created and established by a division of Election
District No. 5, now known as Freedom District, said new
election district to be known as Berret Election District No.
14, and the remaining part of said Election District No. 5 to
retain its present name and number.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That the new Election District
No. 14 hereby created shall be within the following metes and
bounds: Beginning at a point where the bridge spanning the
Patapsco Falls at Gaither's Station, on the Baltimore and
Ohio Railroad, and miming along the pnblic road, leading
therefrom to the intersection of said road and the Sykesville
road at a point near the Old Mount Pleasant Methodist Prot-
estant Church, thence in a northern direction in a straight
line to the intersection of the Liberty Road with the Barret
Road at Freedom near the public schoolhouse. Thence in a
northerly direction in a straight line to the intersection of the
Bartholow Road and the Poole Road. Thence along the said
Poole Road to the intersection of said Poole Road and the
Griffe Road at a point near Poole's Schoolhouse. Thence along
said Griffe Road to Morgan's Run to the intersection of the
southern boundary of the Fourth Election District, commonly
called Woolery's District. Thence along said Woolery's Dis-
trict line to the intersection of said Woolery's District line
and the Franklin District line. Thence along the Franklin
District line to the intersection of the Franklin District line
and the Mount Airy District line. Thence along the Mount
Airy District line to the intersection of the Mount Airy Dis-
trict line and the Howard county line. Thence along the said
Howard county line to the point of beginning.
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That for the purpose of correct-
ing the registries of voters of District No. 5 and furnishing a
register of voters for the new district, the Supervisors of Elec-
tion of Carroll county are hereby directed to furnish new dupli-
cate registers for the new district formed by this Act, and to
direct and require their clerk to make up from the registration
books of Freedom District as said books were originally made,
a registry of voters for the new district created by this Act,
by striking from original registries the names of all registered
voters who have been registered in the original Freedom Dis-
trict, and to inscribe the same on the new registration books of
the new district hereby created and established, and when said
clerk to said supervisors shall have erased from the old and
inscribed in the new books the names of the voters who are
entitled to registration only in the said new districts, in all