Fowler, William Kinghorn and Charles Riddle, Trustees, date,
October 7th, 1847, and recorded among the Land Records of
Baltimore County, in Liber A. W. B. 386, folio 359, etc.
67. To the deed and conveyance from James Fowler, Trus-
tee, to Jacob Hiss, Jr., S. Hailey Slifer, Israel Cook, Ambrose
Foster and Charles Akehurst, Trustees, dated December 24th,
1869, and recorded among the Land Records of Baltimore
County, in Liber E. H. A. No. 64, folio 526, etc.
68. To the deed and conveyance from Elizabeth Lee Hiss,
Eleanor J. Hiss, Hester A. Hiss, Elizabeth Hiss Williams,
Sarah S. Williams, Providence A. Fiddis and Levi Fiddis,
Jr., her husband, to Thomas Gorsuch of C., Charles Akehurst,
Howell German, John D. Chenoworth, William White, David
A. Kenny, Samuel Pinkerton, William J. Porter and fienry
James, Trustees, dated May 2nd, 1885, and recorded among
the Land Records of Baltimore County, in Liber W. M. I.
No. 146, folio 43, etc.
69. To the deed and conveyance from William S. Tread-
well, William A. Ehrhardt, James R. Tyson, John C. Dorner
and H. E. R. Reck, Trustees of the Parsonage Property of
Great Falls Circuit to Trustees of the Parsonage Property of
Chase Circuit, Baltimore Conference, Methodist Episcopal
Church, a body corporate, dated May 10th, 1914, and recorded
among the Land Records of Baltimore County, in Liber W.
P. C. No. 437, folio 333, etc.
70. To the deed and conveyance from William S. Tread-
well, William A. Ehrhardt, John C. Dorner, Harvey E. R.
Reck and Robert H. Blackburn, Trustees of the Parsonage
Property of Great Falls Circuit of the Methodist Episcopal
Church to the Trustees of the Parsonage Property of Chase
Circuit, Baltimore Conference, Methodist Episcopal Church,
a body corporate, dated January 17th, 1916, and recorded
among the Land Records of Baltimore County, in Liber W.
P. C. No. 458, folio 318, etc.
71. To the bequest of three hundred dollars ($300.00)
contained in the last will and testament of Edward Plumer,
late of Baltimore County, deceased, to the Little Sisters of the
Poor in Baltimore, said will being recorded among the records
of the Register of Wills of Baltimore County.
72. To the following leases and deeds to the German Evan-
gelical Lutheran Immanuel Congregation, Unaltered Augsburg
Confession, in Baltimore, Maryland, a Maryland corporation,
to wit: (a) To the lease from John S. Donnell to the German