AN ACT to extend the limits of Baltimore City by including
therein parts of Baltimore County and Anne Arundel
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That there is hereby added to the territory of Bal-
timore City all the territory lying between the boundaries of
Baltimore City as they existed prior to the passage of this Act
and the boundaries fixed by this Act as follows:
BEGINNING for the same at the point of intersection formed
by the centre line of Park Heights avenue and the centre line
of Slade avenue and running thence by a straight, line due
south, to the centre line of Frederick road; thence southeast-
erly by a straight line to the point of intersection formed by
the centre line of the Annapolis or Light street road and the
centre line of the direct road leading from Brooklyn to Pum-
phrey, said intersection being about two-thirds of a mile
southwesterly from the Anne Arundel County end of the Han-
over street bridge across the Patapsco River; thence still south-
easterly by a straight line to a point on the west bank of Cur-
tis Creek, about 118 feet southwesterly from the west end of
the highway bridge across Curtis Creek at Walnut Point; said
point having a latitude north 39 degrees 12 minutes 29. 2 sec-
onds and longitude west 76 degrees 35 minutes 02. 2 seconds
(based upon the United States standards of datum of the
United States Coast and Geodetic Survey); thence still south-
easterly by a straight line to a point of latitude north 39 de-
grees 11 minutes 50 seconds and longitude west 76 degrees 33
minutes 00 seconds (based upon the same United States stand-
ards of datum of the United States Coast and Geodetic Sur-
vey); thence northeasterly by a straight line to the centre of
the front range light of the Brewerton Channel, located near
Hawkins Point, and continuing in the same direction to a
point distant 1, 000 feet northeasterly from said centre of said
range light; thence by a straight line due north to intersect a
line drawn due east from the place of beginning; thence revers-
ing said line so drawn and binding thereon due west by a
straight line to the place of beginning.
The courses in the above description are all referred to the
true meridian of the City of Baltimore Topographical Survey