shall be subjected to the penalties provided for in section 4 of
this Act; provided that the exception made by the last clause
of chapter 554 of the Acts of 1904 shall still remain in full
force and virtue in law. (And provided further, that this Act
shall not apply to any incorporated town having a paid police
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That this Act shall take effect
from the date of its passage.
Approved April 8, 1908.
AN ACT to prohibit the granting of license for the sale of in-
toxicating liquors in certain described territory of Garrett
county and to provide for the creation by popular vote of
anti-saloon territory within Garrett county, within which
territory, except as herein provided, the sale of intoxicating
liquors and the licensing of such sale shall be prohibited for
the enforcement of such prohibition in such territory, and
for the abolition by like means of the territory so created.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Mary-
land, That the words and phrases mentioned in this section as
used in this Act and in proceedings pursuant hereto, shall,
unless the same be inconsistent with the context, be construed
as follows: "Anti-Saloon Territory" shall mean all territory
within the limits of Garrett county or any election district,
city, town, village or ward in said county in which,
through the action the legal voters therein, as provided by
this Act; the sale of intoxicating liquors except as herein
provided, is prohibited; city, town or village shall mean an
incorporated city, town or village as the case may be; "politi-
cal sub-division" shall mean county election district, city, town,
village or ward. District shall mean territory in which, after
the same has become Anti-Saloon Territory, the limits of
political sub-division have been changed. "Law" shall in-
clude Public General Laws, Public Local Laws and all muni-
cipal ordinances. In the phrase, shall this become "Anti-
Saloon Territory," the proper designation, whether "County,"
"Election District," "City," "Town," "Village" or "ward"
shall be understood to be inserted in the blanks, and the same
shall be inserted in the petitions filed by and the ballots pre-
pared for the voters of any county, election district, city, town,
village, or ward, said proposition shall mean the proposition:
Shall this county, election district, city, town, village
or ward, as the case may be, become "Anti-Saloon Territory."
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