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Session Laws, 1908 Session
Volume 483, Page 424   View pdf image (33K)
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Mayor or City Council of Baltimore, for the use of the
engines, fire apparatus, and water of said city, in the extin-
guishment of fire in Baltimore county.

142. No person shall destroy the fish in any branch or
creek in Baltimore county, by putting quicklime therein,
under the penalty of twenty dollars for each offense, to be re-
covered before a justice of the peace of said county.

143. The owners of all dams on said river are required
to make and keep, or cause to be made and kept in repair,
proper fish ladders and have them placed on said dam so as
to afford to the fish in said river free course up and down said

144. If the owners of said dams fail to comply with the
provisions of the preceding section, they shall be liable, upon
conviction thereof, by summary process, before any justice
of the peace of this State, in the county in which said dam is
situated, to a penalty of not less than fifty nor more than one
hundred dollars.

145. That it shall not be lawful in Baltimore county for
any person to take, catch, or kill any brook trout less than
six inches in length, or in any manner or by any contrivance
whatsoever, saving only with line and hook, baited and tied
with the artificial fly; or to take, catch or kill or have in his
possession any brook trout, except during the months of
March, April, May and June; or obstruct any way any
stream in which trout have been placed, under penalty of ten
dollars for each and every brook trout so taken, caught or
killed or had in his possession, and a like penalty for each
and every such obstruction; but this section shall not prevent
any person or corporation from catching brook trout in any
manner or at any time in water owned by him or them or
upon his or their premises, to stock other waters.

146. That any violation of the preceding may be prosecuted
by any citizen of said county before any justice of the peace or
Circuit Court for said county or a justice of the peace of the
city or county or Circuit Court for the county wherein the of-
fender shall reside.

147. It shall not be lawful for any person to fish in the
waters of Gunpowder river, Middle river, Back river, Brown's
creek or Hawk Cove, or their tributary streams, except Bird
river, situated in Baltimore county, or in the waters of the
Chesapeake bay within one mile of the entrance of said rivers,


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Session Laws, 1908 Session
Volume 483, Page 424   View pdf image (33K)
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