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Session Laws, 1908 Session
Volume 483, Page 257   View pdf image (33K)
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balance of proceeds of said bond issue, to be used in the manner
and for the purposes herein set forth; that the commission
shall appropriate and use in the several counties of the State
of Maryland so much of the funds arising from the bond issue
herein provided for as is available for actual construction
work in proportion to the now existing road mileage of said
counties, respectively, the term "road mileage" herein used, only
to include the public or county roads, or turnpikes now in
actual use and abandoned turnpikes now used by the public.
This provision is not to be construed as requiring the commis-
sion to spend a certain proportion of said fund in each county
of the State each and every year, but is intended to eventually
provide a fair distribution of the funds according to road mile-
age, as herein set forth. In order that the security for the
bonds to be sold under this Act shall not in any way be
impaired, the provisions of this section as to the distribution
and the use of the money in the several counties of the State
shall not be repealed by any future Act.

32M. Inasmuch as the purposes contemplated by this Act
do not demand immediate sale of all the certificates provided
for by this Act, the Governor, Comptroller of the Treasury and
Treasurer, or a majority of them, may issue advertisements
from time to time, in accordance with the provisions of this
Act, for such part or parts of said loan as may from time to
time be required.

32N. The sum of five thousand dollars, or so much thereof as
may be necessary is hereby appropriated for the payment of
the expenses of engraving, printing and other outlays connected
with the issue of the loan hereby authorized, and for the pay-
ment of the advertising directed by this Act, and all other
incidental expenses connected with the execution of its pro-
visions in connection with said loan.

32o. The County Commissioners of this State and the Mayor
and City Council of Baltimore are directed to levy the State
taxes for the year 1909 at two cents on each one hundred dol-
lars of assessable property; for the year 1910 at three and
one-half cents on each one hundred dollars of assessable prop-
erty; for the year 1911, at four an one-half cents on each one
hundred dollars of assessable property; for the year 1912, at
five and one-half cents on each one hundred dollars of assessa-
ble property; for the year 1913 and annually thereafter, at
six cents on each one hundred dollars of assessable property
to be collected according to law, to meet the interest and create
a sinking fund for the redemption of the State Road Loan
created under the provisions of this Act.


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Session Laws, 1908 Session
Volume 483, Page 257   View pdf image (33K)
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