AN ACT to add fifteen new sections to article 91 of the Code of
the Public General Laws of Maryland, title "Surveyor and
State Survey, " sub-title "Public Roads, " said sections to
come in after section 32 of said article and sub-title, and to
be called sections 32A, 32B, 32C, 32D, 32E, 32F, 32G, 32H, 32I,
32J, 32K, 32L, 32M, 32N and 32O, providing for the establish-
ment of a system of public roads and highways in Maryland,
and providing for the appointment of a commission to be
known as the "State Roads Commission, " with full powers to
construct, improve and maintain public roads and highways
in the several counties of this State; and providing also the
ways and means, and making the necessary appropriations of
money and for a bond issue for the construction, improve-
ment and maintenance thereof, and for the expenses of such
commission in the execution of its powers and duties.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Mary-
land, That the following fifteen new sections be and they are
hereby added to article 91 of the Code of 1904 of the Public
General Laws, title "Surveyor and State Survey, " sub-title
"Public Roads, " said new sections to come in after section 32
of said article and sub-title, and to be called sections 32A, 32B,
32C, 32D, 32E, 32F, 32G, 32H, 32I, 32J; 32K, 32L, 32M, 32N and 32O,
and to read severally as follows, viz:
32A. The Governor is hereby authorized and directed to
appoint promptly upon the passage of this Act, three compe-
tent persons, citizens and residents of this State, and to des-
ignate two men from the Maryland Geological and Economic
Survey, or its officers or employes, who, with the Governor,
ex officio. shall constitute a special commission to be known
as the "State Roads Commission, ' and who shall continue in
office until the work of said commission shall have been com-
pleted as herein provided. The Governor shall have the power,
in his discretion, to remove any member of said commission
at any time and to appoint another person in his stead and to
fill any vacancy in said commission occasioned by the resigna-
tion, removal, death, incapacity, permanent absence from this
State of any member of said commission, or by reason of any
other cause creating a vacancy. The majority of the members
of said commission shall be a lawful quorum for the transaction
of business. The chairman of said commission shall be desig-
nated by the Governor from the members thereof, and the
Governor shall also have power to remove such chairman and
to appoint another in his stead in his discretion: The chairman
of said commission shall preside over its meetings and perform