conveyed by John Leister and others, trustees, to the said "The
Trustees of the Meadow Branch Congregation of the German
Baptist Brethren of Maryland," by deed dated February 14,
1891, and recorded as aforesaid in Liber B. F. C., No. 72,
folio 271, etc., and being the same land conveyed for a church
at Union Mills, Carroll county, by deed of John Leister and
wife to David D. Bonsack and others, trustees, dated Septem-
ber 12, 1890, and recorded among the Land Records of Carroll
county in Liber B. F. C., No. 72, folio 193, etc.
42. To the grant and conveyance of a certain lot of land in
Carroll county, containing forty-nine square perches of land,
more or less, conveyed by Mary Ann Myers and Henry P.
Myers, her husband, to said "The Trustees of the Meadow
Branch Congregation of the German Baptist Brethren of Mary-
land," by deed dated April 6, 1893, and recorded among the
Land Records of Carroll county in Liber D. P. S., No. 108,
folio 94, etc.
43. To the grant and conveyance of a certain lot of land in
Carroll county, containing twenty perches of land, more or
less, conveyed by John Sholl and Rebecca Sh611, his wife, to
the said "The Trustees of the Meadow Branch Congregation
of the German Baptist Brethren of Maryland," by deed dated
April 17, 1895, and recorded among the Land Records of Car-
roll county in Liber D. P. S., No. 108, folio 95, etc.
44. To the grant and conveyance of a certain lot of land in
Baltimore city, fronting on Third avenue seventy feet and on
Sycamore street ninety-seven feet and six inches, conveyed
by the Trustees of Grace Methodist Episcopal Church of Wood-
berry, Baltimore county and State of Maryland, to the said
"The Trustees of the Meadow Branch Congregation of the Ger-
man Baptist Brethren of Maryland," by deed dated June 15,
1899, and recorded among the Land Records of Baltimore city
in Liber R. O., No. 1793, folio 327, etc., and being the same
land conveyed for a church by deeds of record in the Land
Records of Baltimore city, in Liber R. O., 1793, folios 326,
etc., and in Liber J. B., No. 1427, folio 86, etc., and by deed
of record among the Land Records of Baltimore county in
Liber W. M. I., No. 138, folio 16, etc.
45. To the bequest of one thousand dollars ($1000.00) to
Rev. Eugene J. Connelly, and to the bequest to James Cardinal
Gibbons, Archbishop of Baltimore, in trust for the Saint Vin-
cent Orphan Asylum of Baltimore, contained in the last will
and testament of Ellen McKenna, deceased, bearing date the
first day of December, in the year of Our Lord 1905, and re-