AN ACT to incorporate the Lansdowne Improvement Associa
tion of Baltimore County.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Mary-
land, That Jacob H. Remhard, W. Rolf Taylor, John W. Leh-
ner, William E. Fox, William Sinkenbring, Sr., Henry D. Hous-
ley, John G. Hofman, August Klappoth, Charles B. Frey,
Walter A. Hopkins, Herman Meyer, John B. Smidt, Samuel
W. Wagner, all being residents of Baltimore county, State of
Maryland, and all other persons who shall hereafter become
members of the improvement association hereby incorporated,
shall be a body corporate by the name and style of the
"Lansdowne Improvement Association of Baltimore County,"
and by that name shall have perpetual succession and sue and
be sued in any court whatsoever.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That said corporation hereby
formed is a corporation for the promoting by all legitimate
and appropriate means, improvements in the village of Lans-
downe, in Baltimore county, particularly in the improvement
of the streets and sidewalks of said village, procuring of better
sanitary arrangements and the abatement of nuisances. Said
corporation is strictly non-political and non-sectarian, having
for its ultimate object the well being of the village of Lans-
downe, which, for the purposes of this Act, is considered and
deemed to be located in the Thirteenth Election District of
Baltimore county, bounded on the west by the Hammond's
Ferry road; on the north by a road known as the Mine Bank
road, said to be twenty feet wide, extending from the Ham-
mond's Ferry road to the property of the Whittaker estate; on
the east by the property of the Whittaker estate, Mt. Zion's
Cemetery and Gitting's estate, and on the south by the property
known as the Strausbaugh estate and the ore road leading
through said property.
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That every male resident of the
village of Lansdowne above the age of twenty-one years, who is a
taxpayer upon property, real or personal, located in said vil-
lage, shall be entitled to become a member of the improvement
association hereby formed.
SEC. 4. And be it enacted, That the Lansdowne Improvement
Association of Baltimore County shall be managed by nine
directors, who shall be elected annually on the first Tuesday
after the first Monday of January in each year, and the officers
of said association shall be a president, vice-president, record-