AN ACT to provide for the organization of a company to
acquire, own and operate the properties, rights and franchises
of the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Company and other
companies whose lines form part of the Baltimore and Ohio
system of railroads, to prescribe the powers, rights, immu-
nities, privileges and franchises of the company so organ-
ized, and to provide for the operation by such company of
the Washington Branch of the Baltimore and Ohio Rail-
WHEREAS, all the properties and affairs of the Baltimore and
Ohio Railroad Company are now held and managed by re-
ceivers appointed by the Circuit Court of the United States
for the District of Maryland, and by the several Circuit Courts
of the United States for the other districts in which said proper-
ties are situated, by orders of said courts respectively entered
in the respective suits in equity therein instituted by the Mer-
cantile Trust Company, a corporation of the State of New
York, against the said Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Company,
and the condition of the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Com-
pany's affairs may result in the foreclosure of one or more of
the several mortgage liens existing on the main stem, branches
or divisions of said company's system of railroads, there-
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Mary-
land, That Louis Fitzgerald, Henry Budge, Eugene Delano
and Edward R. Bacon, all of New York, in the State of New
York ; George H. Earle, Jr., of Philadelphia, in the State of
Pennsylvania ; Alexander Brown, John Gill of R., William F.
Frick, Edwin Warfield, James Bond, J. McKenny White and
Thomas J. Hayward, all of Baltimore, in the State of Mary-
land, or their survivors, or a majority of them or their survi-
vors be and they are hereby authorized, together with their
associates, if any, to form a corporation for the purpose of
owning, maintaining and operating the railroads and property
of whatever nature or description of the Baltimore and Ohio
Railroad Company, or any part or portion thereof, and of any
company whose line forms part of the Baltimore and Ohio
system of railroads, by tiling in the office of the Secretary of
State a certificate of the name and style of such corporation,
the number of directors of the same, the names of its first
directors, the period of their service or their periods of ser-