voting at said election shall cast ballots "for the debt," the
town may issue said bonds and construct said improve-
SEC. 3. And 1)6 it enacted, That if two-thirds of the quali-
fied voters voting at said special election shall vote in favor of
creating said debt, the Council of said town is authorized and
empowered to construct, maintain and operate water works, a
giren to the
sewerage system and an electric lighting plant for said town,
and to contract for, purchase in fee simple or lease for a term
of years, any real estate, right of way, spring, brook or water
course, or any personal property which they may deem expe-
dient for the purposes aforesaid. And said Council is hereby
vested with all the rights and powers necessary for the
construction, maintenance and operation of said improve-
ments in said town. If from any cause said Council
shall be unable to agree with any owner of real estate, spring,
brook, water course or right of way, or of any interest or claim
therein, or if said owner be under any disability or incapacity
to contract, or absent from the State, or unknown, the said
Council is hereby granted the powers of condemnation under
the right of eminent domain, as provided in section 167,
Article 23, of the Code of Public General Laws of Maryland,
as fully as if said section had been herein incorporated ; and
the manner and procedure in condemnation for the purposes of
this Act shall be in all particulars the same as is provided by
section 167 ; provided, that if it shall become necessary to con-
demn any property lying within the limits of said town, and
partly in Montgomery and partly in Prince George's county,
the proceedings in relation thereto shall be had in the former
SEC. 4. And ~be it enacted, That said Council is hereby
given to the
authorized and empowered to do all acts necessary and proper
to carry out the provisions of this Act; to contract for the
building and construction of all or of any portion of said im-
provements, either in one contract or in several, either with or
without prior advertisement for bids, and with power to reject
any or all bids which may be received therefor. And said
Council shall have full control of said water works, sewerage
system and electric lighting plant when constructed, and shall
have authority to employ such superintendents, workmen or
other employees as may be necessary to carry on the same, and
to purchase all supplies necessary for the successful operation
thereof ; to establish and maintain rules and regulations for
furnishing said water and electric lighting to the residents