hundred and eighty-two, the Maryland Historical Society was
appointed custodian of the records, archives and ancient docu-
ments of the province and State as therein provided, on con-
dition that the said society should safely keep, properly arrange
and catalogue the same, and should edit and publish under its-
supervision such of the same as were of historical importance;
WHEREAS, The said society, out of its own means has con-
structed an expensive vault for the safe keeping of said records,
and has on its part complied with all the provisions of said act,
and of subsequent acts, and it is proper that the publication of
said archives should be continued with diligence and care
under the supervision of said society; therefore,
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That the sum of two thousand dollars for each
year, for the period of two years from this date, be and the
same is hereby appropriated and shall be paid to the said
Maryland Historical Society out of any funds in the treasury
not otherwise appropriated, which sum shall be paid, one thous-
and dollars on the first day of June and December, of the
years eighteen hundred and ninety-four and eighteen hundred
and ninety-five.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That the archives of Maryland,
published by said society with the fund herein provided, shall,
as provided by the act of eighteen hundred and eighty-two,
chapter one hundred and thirty-eight, be the property of the
State; provided, that the said society may purchase such
volumes as it wishes for its members and exchanges at the cost
of paper, press work and binding, and shall be authorized to
sell others at cost, the proceeds of all sales to be added to
the publication fund, and used only therefor; and provided
further, that ten copies of each volume of the archives, pub-
lished by said Maryland Historical Society, shall be bound in
cloth and deposited in the State library, for the use thereof;
and that the said society be and is hereby authorized, without
being required to pay therefor, to send a copy of each of the
volumes that have been or may be published, to the respective
State librarians of the several States of the Union, and also to
each of the Circuit Courts of the several counties of the State,
to the Court of Appeals, the Land Office, the Library Com-
pany of the Baltimore Bar, and such library or historical
association as may be approved by the Maryland Historical
Society; and said society shall make report to the next General
archives to
be property
ot state.