No. 168. An Act to prohibit the sale of spirituous and fermented
liquors within "three miles in all directions of St. Mary's Prot-
estant Episcopal Church, in the village of Woodville, Aquasco
District, Prince George county, Maryland ..................
No. 169. An Act authorizing the Washington, Baltimore and
Annapolis Electric Railway Company to build a bridge across
the Patapsco river .................................
No. 170. An Act to enable the qualified voters of the town of
Laurel, Prince George's county, to determine by ballot whether
or not spirituous or fermented liquors shall be sold in said
town and to provide for a submission of said question at a
special election to be held in said town on April 14, 1906, and
prescribing terms, conditions and penalties ................
No. 171. An Act to repeal Sections 62 and (53 of Article 16 of the
Code of Public Local Laws of Maryland, title "Montgomery
County," sub-title "County Commissioners," and Sections 64
and 219 of said Article, as repealed and re-enacted by the Act
of 1892, Chapter 418, and Sections 218 and 220 to 227, inclu-
' sive, of said Article, as enacted by the Act of 1900, Chapter
102, and to re-enact said Section 62, providing for the appoint-
ment of a clerk to the County Commissioners of said county,
who shall be ex-officio collector of taxes and treasurer of said
county, and for the collection of State and county taxes therein
No. 172. An Act to provide for the furnishing of the Land Office
in the new "Public Building" at Annapolis, with furniture,
books and file cases, and appropriating a sum of money therefor
No. 173. An Act to repeal and re-enact Section 1 of Chapter 324
of the Acts of the General Assembly of Maryland, passed at
the January Session, 1900.................................
No. 174. An Act requiring the issue of mileage books by railroad
corporations owning, controlling or operating a railroad in
Maryland, and regulating the conditions of the same, and pro-
viding a penalty for failure to do so by an action for liqui-
dated damages by the party aggrieved......................
No. 175. An Act to amend the charter of "The Allegany Hospital
of Allegany County" ......................................
No. 176. An Act to add an additional Section to Article 1 of the
Code of Public Local Laws of the State of Maryland, title
"Allegany County," sub-title "Intoxicating Liquors," said sec-
tion to be known as 175L I, providing for the issuance of
licenses to retailers and hotel keepers .....................
No. 177. An Act to repeal Chapter 526 of the Acts of the Gen-
eral Assembly of Maryland of the Session of 1904, title "An
Act to require all persons owning or operating, or who shall
hereafter own and operate any saw-mill in Talbot county, and
not paying taxes thereon to its full assessable value, to pro-
cure a license for the operation of the same from the County
Commissioners of Talbot County." and to re-enact the said
Chapter 526 of the Acts of 1904 with amendments............
No. 178. An Act to repeal and re-enact with amendment Section
227 of Article 23 of the Public General Laws of Maryland,
sub-title "Mining Companies" .............................
No. 179. An Act to repeal and re-enact with amendments Section
2 of Chapter 48 of the Acts of the General Assembly of Mary-