Gray's Inn Creek: (village) in Kent County;
(3 1/2) miles southeast of Rock Hall.
(N. 39°05' W. 76°12') CHE
Gray's Inn Creek: (creek) in Kent County; see
Grays Inn Creek.
Gray's Inn Point: (point) in Kent County; see
Grays Inn Point.
Gray's Point: (point) in St. Mary's County;
see Gray Point.
Gray's Run: (run) in Harford County; see
Grays Run.
Grays Corner: (village) in Worcester County;
(3 1/4) miles northeast of Berlin; elev. 11;
U. S. 213.
(N. 38°21' W. 75°10') OCE
Grays Creek: (creek) in Anne Arundel
County; branch of Sillery Bay, rising (1)
mile 'southeast of Lakeshore.
(N. 39°06' W. 76°29') N.P.
Grays Factory: in Howard County; see Gray.
Grays Hill: (village) in Cecil County; (1 3/4)
miles northeast of Elkton; elev. 268.
(N. 39°37' W. 75°48') ELK
Grays Inn Creek: (creek) in Kent County;
branch of Chester River, mouth (3 1/2) miles
southeast of Rock Hall.
(N. 39°05' W. 76°12') CHE
Grays Inn Point: (point) in Kent County; on
east shore Grays Inn Creek, (2) miles
south of Crosby.
(N. 39°05' W. 76°12') CHE
Grays Island: (island) in Dorchester County;
in Fishing Bay, elevated dry land in
marshes, (3) miles northeast of Elliott.
(N. 38°20' W. 75°58') NANT
Grays Point: (village) in St. Mary's County;
(2) miles southwest of Ridge.
(N. 38°05' W. 76°23') POI
Grays Prong: (run) in Worcester County;
branch of Pocomoke River, rising in Dela-
ware, mouth in Maryland; (1/4) mile south
of Maryland and Delaware boundary.
(N. 38°27' W. 75°20') PIT
Grays Run: (run) in Harford County; branch
of Church Creek, mouth (2 3/4) miles south-
west of Aberdeen.
(N. 39°29' W. 76°13') BET
Graysen Creek: (creek) in Kent County; see
Grays Inn Creek.
Grayson Landing: (landing) in St. Mary's
see Grason Landing.
Graysonville: (town) in Queen Anne's County;
see Grasonville.
Graystone: (village) in Baltimore County; see
Grayton: (village) in Charles County; (1 1/2)
miles southeast of Cross Roads; elev. 40;
pop. (25); P. O.; Md. 6-491.
(N. 38°26' W. 77°12') NANJ
Great Backbone Mountain: (mountain) in Gar-
rett County; southeast of Crabtree Cr.eek
and northwest of North Branch Potomac
River; elev. 3,400.
(N. 39°25' W. 79°15') ELK G.
Great Bay: (bay) in Dorchester County.
Great Bohemia Creek: (creek) in Cecil County;
branch of Bohemia River, mouth (2) miles
southwest of Cayots.
(N. 39°28' W. 75°52') CEC
Great Cove: (cove) in Dorchester County; inlet
of Tangier Sound, on east side Bloods-
worth Island.
(N. 38°10' W. 76°02') BL.IS.
Great Egging Beach: (beach) in Worcester
County; on west shore of Assateague Island,
(10) miles south of Ocean City.
(N. 38°12' W. 76°10') GR.R.
Great Falls: (falls) in Montgomery County;
in Potomac River, near Great Falls (vil-
(N. 39°00' W. 77°15') ROC
Great Falls: (village) in Montgomery County;
on Potomac River, (2 1/2) miles southwest
of Potomac; elev. 140; pop. (50); Md. 189.
(N. 39°00' W. 77°15') ROC
Great Flats: (village) in Montgomery County;
on Potomac River, (1/2 ) mile south of Great
Falls; elev. (140); pop. (45).
(N. 39°00' W. 77°16') ROC
Great Marsh Creek: (creek) in Dorchester
County; branch of Honga River, mouth
(1/2) mile south of Golden Hill.
(N. 38°24' W. 76°14') CRA
Great Marsh Point: (point) in Talbot County;
see Green Marsh Point.
Great Mills: (village) in St. Mary's County;
(3/4) mile southeast of Clifton Mills; elev.
20; pop. (111); P. O.; Md. 5-246-471.
(N. 38°14' W. 76°30') POI
Great Seneca Creek: (creek) in Montgomery
County; branch of Seneca Creek, mouth
(1/2) mile east of Dawsonville.
(N. 39°08' W. 77°20') SEN
Great Shoals Lighthouse: (lighthouse) in Som-
erset County; in Wicomico River, at mouth
of Monie Bay, (4) miles southwest of Mount
(N. 38°13' W. 75°53') DEA
Great Tonoloway Creek: (creek) in Washing-
ton County; branch of Potomac River,
mouth (1 1/4) miles southeast of Hancock.
(N. 39°42' W. 78°09") HAN