Fells Point: (point) in Baltimore City; see
Baltimore City.
Felts Branch: (branch) in Calvert County,
branch of Hunting Creek, (1/4) mile south
of Huntingtown.
(N. 38°37' W. 76°37') PRI.F.
Fenby: (village) in Carroll County; (2 1/2)
miles south of Westminster; elev. 825; Md.
(N. 39°32' W. 77°00') WES
Fenwick: (village) in Charles County; (3)
miles southwest of Marshall Hall; elev. (40) ;
pop. (15); P. O.
(N. 38°38' W. 77°07') IND
Fenwick: (village) in Montgomery County;
(1 1/2) miles west of Sligo; elev. 320.
(N. 39°00' W. 77°02') ROC
Fenwick Creek; (creek) in Charles County;
see Dolly Boarmans Creek.
Fenwiks Creek: (creek) in Charles County;
see Dolly Boarmans Creek.
Fergusen Farm Corners: in Harford County.
Ferguson Four Corners: in Harford County.
Fern Cliff: (village) in Harford County; (1 1/2)
miles southeast of Rocks; elev. (300) ; M. &
P. R.R.
(N. 39°37' W. 76°24') BEL
Ferncliff: in Harford County; see Fern Cliff.
Ferndale: (town) in Anne Arundel County;
(1 3/4) miles northwest of Glen Burnie; elev.
(90) ; pop. (1,200) ; P. O.; B. & A. R.R.; Md.
(N. 39°11' W. 76°38') REL
Ferndale Farm: (village) in Anne Arundel
County; (1/2) mile south of Woodlawn
(N. 39°11' W. 76°39') REL
Ferry Bar: (point) in Baltimore City; see
Baltimore City.
Ferry Bay: (bay) in Talbot County; inlet of
Chesapeake Bay, (1/2) mile northwest of
(N. 38°45' W. 76°19') ANN
Ferry Creek: (creek) in Dorchester County;
see Hurst Creek.
Ferry Farms: (village) in Anne Arundel
County; directly across South River from
West Annapolis; Md. 2-179.
(N. 39°00' W. 76°29') OWE
Ferry Landing: (village) in Calvert County;
on east shore of Patuxent River, (3 1/2)
miles north of Lower Marlboro; elev. 5.
(N. 38°42' W. 76°42') PRI.F.
Ferry Neck: (neck) in Talbot County; bordered
by Choptank River, Tred Avon River and
Irish Creek.
(N. 38°42' W. 76°12') OXF
Ferry Point: (point) in Anne Arundel
County; on north shore of South River,
(3 1/4) miles southwest of Annapolis.
(N. 38°57' W. 76°32') OWE
Ferry Point: (point) in Baltimore City; see
Baltimore City.
Ferry Point: (point) in Dorchester County;
projecting into Honga River, at southern
extremity of Upper Hooper Island.
(N. 38°18' W. 76°12') CRA
Fiddlesburg: (village) in Washington County;
(2) miles northeast of Hagerstown; elev.
(509); Md. 60.
(N. 39°39' W. 77°41') HAG
Fidelity: in Baltimore City; see Baltimore City.
Fiery: (village) in Washington County; (3/4)
mile north of Balls; elev. (520).
(N. 39°36' W. 77°44') HAG
Fiery Siding: (station) in Washington County;
on B. & O. R.R.; at Fiery; see Fiery.
Fife's Mill: in Harford County.
Fifteenmile Creek: (creek) in Allegany
County; branch of Potomac River, mouth
at Little Orleans.
(N. 39°37' W. 78°23') PAW
Fike: (village) in Garrett County; (1 1/2) miles
north of Fearer; elev. 1,820; pop. 5.
(N. 39°41' W. 79°27') ACC
Finch Mills: in Dorchester County.
Finchville: (village) in Dorchester County;
(3 1/2) miles northeast of Eldorado; elev.
41; pop. (55); Md. 313-392.
(N. 38°38' W. 75°46') HUR
Finksburg: in Allegany County.
Finksburg: (village) in Carroll County; (3)
miles southeast of Sandyville; elev. 565;
pop. (156); P. O.; U. S. 140; Md. 91.
(N. 39°30' W. 76°53') ELL
Finksburg Station: (station) in Carroll County;
see Cedarhurst.
Finzel: (village) in Garrett County; (4 1/4)
miles northwest of Frostburg; elev. 2,560;
pop. (47) ; Md. 546.
(N. 39°43' W. 78°57') FROST
Firm Rock: in Garrett County.
First Mine Branch: (branch) in Baltimore
County; branch of Gunpowder Falls, mouth
(1/2) mile south of White Hall.
(N. 39°37' W. 76°37') PAR
Fischer: (village) in Anne Arundel County;
(1 1/4) miles southeast of Pindell; pop. (18).
(N. 38°46' W. 76°40') OWE
Fishel: in Harford County.