Aspen: (village) in Montgomery County; (3)
miles east of Rockville; elev. 387; pop. (75).
(N. 39°05' W. 77°05') ROC
Aspen Run: (run) in Carroll County; branch
of Deep Run, mouth (2) miles south of
(N. 39°34' W. 76°50') WES
Aspen Run: (run) in Carroll County; branch
of Patapsco River, head (1/2) mile north of
(N. 39°38' W. 76°55') WES
Asquith Island: (island) in Dorchester County;
in Honga River, (1 1/2) miles south of Crapo;
elev. (3).
(N. 38°17' W. 76°08') CRA
Assacorkin Island: (island) in Worcester Coun-
ty; in Chincoteague Bay, (1/2) mile north-
east of Mills Island.
(N. 38°04' W. 75°19') SNO
Assacoskin Island: (island) in Worcester Coun-
ty; see Assacorkin Island.
Assateague Island: (island) in Worcester
County; bounded on the west by Chinco-
teague Bay, Sinepuxent Bay, and Assa-
woman Bay; on the east by Atlantic Ocean,
beginning south, at Maryland and Virginia
lines, extending northeast to Maryland and
Delaware boundary line.
(N. 38°10' W. 75°10') GR.R.
Assawoman Bay: (bay) in Worcester County;
inlet of Isle of Wight Bay, between Assa-
teague and Isle of Wight Islands.
(N. 38°25' W. 75°05') OCE
Asylum: (village) in Baltimore County; (1)
mile southwest of western boundary of Bal-
timore; elev. 420.
(N. 39°16' W. 76°43') BAL
Athal: (village) in Wicomico County; (2 1/2)
miles southwest of Mardela Springs; elev.
20; pop. (50).
(N. 38°26' W. 75°47') NANT
Athaloo Landing: (landing) in Wicomico
County; on east shore of Nanticoke River,
(4 1/4) miles southwest of Mardela Springs;
elev. 5.
(N. 38°25' W. 75°49') NANT
Athaloo Wharf: (landing) in Wicomico County;
see Athaloo Landing.
Athel: (village) in Wicomico County; see
Athol Heights: (suburb) in Baltimore City;
see Baltimore City.
Atholton: (village) in Toward County; (1 1/4)
miles southeast of Simpsonville; elev. 359;
pop. (200) ; Md. 106.
(N. 39°11' W. 76°52') LAU
Auburn: in Frederick County.
Augusta: (village) in Washington County;
(1) mile southeast of Yarrowsburg; elev.
(540) ; B. & O. R.R.
(N. 39°22' W. 77°41') ANT
Autrey Park: (village) in Montgomery County;
(1) mile southeast of Rockville; elev. 415;
B. & O. R.R.; U. S. 240.
(N. 39°04' W. 77°08') ROC
Autrim: in Carroll County.
Avalon: (village) in Baltimore County; (1)
mile northwest of Relay; elev. 70; B. & O.
(N. 39°14' W. 76°43') REL
Avalon: (village) in Talbot County; on Tilgh-
man Island, (1/2) mile south of Tilghman;
elev. 4; pop. (40) ; P. O.
(N. 38°43' W. 76°20') SH.I.
Avenel: (village) in Montgomery and Prince
George's Counties; (2 1/4) miles southeast of
Burnt Mills; elev. 210; pop. (150).
(N. 39°00' W. 76°59') LAU
Avenue: (village) in St. Mary's County; (1 1/4)
miles southwest of Oakley; elev. (17) ; P. O.;
Md. 241-242-470.
(N. 38°16' W. 76°46') WIC
A very: (village) in Montgomery County; (2 1/4)
miles northeast of Rockville; elev. 434; pop.
(N. 39°06' W. 77°07') ROC
Avilton: (village) in Garrett County; (3)
miles southeast of Piney Grove; elev. 2,740;
pop. (60) ; P. O.
(N. 39°39' W. 79°03') GRA
Avon Creek: (creek) in Charles County; see
Burgess Creek.
Avon River: (river) in Charles County; see
Burgess Creek.
Avondale: (suburb) in Baltimore City; see
Baltimore City.
Avondale: (village) in Carroll County; (2 1/2)
miles southwest of Westminster; elev. 563;
pop. (28); W. M. R.R.; Md. 622.
(N. 39°33' W. 77°02') TAN
Avondale: in Harford County.
Avondale: in Prince George's County.
Avondale Creek: (creek) in Carroll County;
branch of Little Pipe Creek, rising at Avon-
(N. 39°33' W. 77°02') TAN
Awman: (village) in Garrett County; (2 1/4)
miles southwest of Fearer; elev. 2,280.
(N. 39°39' W. 79°29') ACC