Crab Alley Neck:, (neck) in Queen Anne's
County; on Kent Island bordered by Crab
Alley Creek, Crab Alley Bay and Prospect
(N. 38°57' W. 76°16') ANN
Crab Creek: (creek) in Anne Arundel County;
branch of South River, mouth (1) mile east
of Edgewater.
(N. 38°57' W. 76°32') OWE
Crab Point: (point) in Dorchester County; on
east branch of Honga River, (2) miles west
of Bishop Head.
(N. 38°16' W. 76°06') CRA
Crab Run: (run) in Garrett County; branch
of Casselman River, mouth (1 3/4) miles
northeast of Grantsville.
(N. 39°43' W. 79°08') GRA
Crab Tree Run: (run) in Garrett County; see
Crabtree Creek.
Crabbing Point Creek: (creek) in Anne Arun-
del County; see Meredith Creek.
Crabbs Branch: (branch) in Montgomery
County; branch of Rock Creek, rising (1 1/2)
miles southeast of Gaithersburg.
(N. 39°08' W. 77"10') ROC
Crabs Branch: (branch) in Montgomery
County; see Crabbs Branch.
Crabster: (village) in Carroll County; (2)
miles southwest of Taneytown; elev. (510).
(N. 39°38' W. 77°12') TAN
Crabtree: (village) in Garrett County; (1 1/4)
miles east of Floyd; elev. (1,550); B. & O.
(N. 39°30' W. 79°08') GRA
Crabtree Creek: (creek) in Garrett County;
branch of Savage River, mouth (4 1/2) miles
northwest of Bloomington.
(N. 39°31' W. 79°08') GRA
Cracklintown : in Montgomery County.
Craig Creek: (creek) in Kent County; see
Swantown Creek.
Craigtown: (village) in Cecil County; (2) miles
east of Port Deposit; elev. 340; U. S. 222.
(N. 39°36' W. 76°05') ' HAV
Crampton Gap: (gap) in Frederick and Wash-
ington Counties; in South Mountain; (1)
mile northwest of Burkittsville; elev. 930.
(N. 39°24' W. 77°38') ANT
Cranberry: (village) in Carroll County; (2)
miles north of Mexico; elev. 840; pop. (160);
Md. 31.
(N. 39°38' W. 76°57') WES
Cranberry Branch: (branch) in Carroll County;
branch of West Branch of North Branch Pa-
tapsco River, mouth at Cranberry Station,
(1) mile northeast of Westminster.
(N. 39°35' W. 76°58') WES
Cranberry Fishing Shore: in Cecil County.
Cranberry Run: (run) in Carroll County; see
Cranberry Branch.
Cranberry Run: (run) in Harford County;
branch of Church Creek, rising (1) mile west
of Aberdeen.
(N. 39°31' W. 76°11') HAV
Cranberry Station: (village) in Carroll County;
(1 1/2) miles northeast of Westminster; elev.
660; pop. (74); W. M. R.R.; Md. 31.
(N. 39°35' W. 76°58') WES
Crane Cove: (cove) in Somerset County; inlet
of Big Annemessex River, (2) miles south
of Fairmount.
(N. 38°04' W. 75°48') DEA
Crane Island: (island) in Charles County; see
Craney Island.
Cranesville: in Garrett County.
Craney Creek: (creek) in Queen Anne's
County; branch of Chesapeake Bay, (1) mile
southwest of Normans.
(N. 38°56' W. 76°22') ANN
Craney Island: (island) in Charles County; in
Potomac River, (2) miles southwest of Mc-
(N. 38°37' W. 77°08') IND
Crapo: (village) in Dorchester County; (1 1/2)
miles northwest of Wingate; elev. 2; pop.
(160); P. O.; Md. 336.
(N. 38°19' W. 76°08') CRA
Creagerstown: (village) in Frederick County;
(3) miles southwest of Rocky Ridge; elev.
(413); pop. (150); Md. 72-550.
(N. 39°35' W. 77°22') EMM
Creagerstown Station: (station) in Frederick
County; (1 1/2) miles north of Lewistown;
elev. (376); H. & F. R.R.
(N. 39°33' W. 77°25') EMM
Crellin: (village) in Garrett County; (2 1/4)
miles southeast of Hutton; elev. 2,390; pop.
(211); P. O.; Md. 39.
(N. 39°23' W. 79°28') OAK
Cremona Creek: (creek) in St. Mary's County;
branch of Patuxent River, mouth (3) miles
northeast of Turner.
(N. 38°27' W. 76°40') LEO
Cresap: (village) in Allegany County; see
Cresaptown: (village) in Allegany County; (5)
miles southwest of Cumberland; elev. 701;
pop. (55); P. O.; U. S. 220; Md. 53-636.
(N. 39°36' W. 78°50') FROST