Chopawamsic Island: (island) in Charles
County; in the Potomac River, (2) miles
.northwest of Sandy Point.
(N. 38°30' W. 77°18') QUA
Choptank: (village) in Caroline County; (3)
miles southwest of Preston; elev. 5; pop.
(236) ; P. O.; Md. 324.
(N. 38°41' W. 75°57') HUR
Choptank River: (river) in Caroline, Dorches-
ter, Talbot Counties; branch of Chesapeake
Bay, rising (2 3/4) miles northeast of Golds-
(N. 39°03' W. 75°45') OXF
Choptank River Lighthouse: (lighthouse) in
Talbot County; in Choptank River, (2 1/4)
miles south of Oxford.
(N. 38°40' W. 76°11') OXF
Chrispin: in Charles County.
Christiana Creek: (creek) in Cecil County;
rising in Pennsylvania, and flowing through
northeasternmost part of Cecil County, into
state of Delaware.
(N. 39°43' W. 75°48') ELK
Christley Run: (run) in Garrett County; branch
of Mudlick Run, mouth (3/4) mile northeast
of Avilton.
(N. 39°39' W. 79°02') GRA
Christs Rock: (village) in Dorchester County;
(2 1/2) miles southwest of Cambridge; elev.
12; pop. (233) ; Md. 16.
(N. 38°33' W. 76°06') OXF
Chrome Hill: (town) in Harford County; (2 1/4)
miles northeast of Coopstown; elev. 480; pop.
(N. 39°37' W. 76°25') BEL
Chromehill: (village) in Harford County; see
Chrome Hill.
Chub Run: (run) in Garrett County; branch
of Mill Run, mouth at Niles Mill.
(N. 39°43' W. 79°21') ACC
Chuckamoxen Creek: (creek) in Charles
County; see Chicamuxen Creek.
Chuckamuca Creek: (village) in Charles
County; see Chicamuxen.
Church: (village) in Allegany County; (3/4)
mile northwest of Oldtown.
(N. 39°33' W. 78°37') FLINT
Church Creek: (creek) in Anne Arundel
County; branch of South River, rising (1)
mile south of Parole.
(N. 38°58' W. 76°32') OWE
Church Creek: (creek) in Dorchester County;
branch of Fishing Creek, mouth (2 1/2) miles
northeast of Madison.
(N. 38°32' W. 76°11') OXF
Church Creek: (town) in Dorchester County;
(3 3/4) miles east of Madison; incorporated;
elev. 5; pop. (405); P. O.; Md. 16.
(N. 38°30' W. 76°09') OXF
Church Creek: (creek) in Harford County;
branch of Bush River, mouth (3/4) mile east
of Belcamp.
(N. 39°28' W. 76°13') BET
Church Creek: (creek) in Kent County; branch
of Chester River, mouth at southern end of
Eastern Neck.
(N. 39°03' W. 76°13') CHE
Church Hill: in Baltimore County.
Church Hill: (village) in Frederick County;
(2 1/2) miles north of Adamstown; elev. 346;
Md. 78.
(N. 39°21' W. 77°28') FRED
Church Hill: (village) in 'Frederick County;
(1 1/2) miles northeast of Myersville; elev.
(N. 39°32' W. 77°33') HAG
Church Hill: (town) in Queen Anne's County;
(3 1/2) miles northwest of Price; incorpo-
rated; elev. 35; pop. 316; P. O.; U. S. 213;
Md. 19-300-405.
(N. 39°09' W. 75°59') BAR
Church Point: in Cecil County.
Church Run: (run) in Garrett County; branch
of Big Piney Run, mouth (2 3/4) miles north-
east of Piney Grove.
(N. 39°42' W. 79°01') GRA
Churchcreek: (town) in Dorchester County;
see Church Creek (town).
Churchton: (town) in Anne Arundel County;
(2) miles northeast of Deale; elev. 10; pop.
(1,000); P. O.; Md. 255-256.
(N. 38°48' W. 76°32') OWE
Churchtown: in Cecil County.
Churchville: (village) in Harford County;
(1 3/4) miles northeast of Calvary; elev. 406;
pop. (219); P. O.; Md. 22-136-155.
(N. 39°34' W. 76°15') BEL
Churn Creek: (creek) in Kent County; branch
of Stillpond Creek, rising (1/2) mile north-
east of Butlertown.
(N. 39°17' W. 76°06') BET
City Junction: in Allegany County.
Clagett: in Prince George's County.
Clagett Island: (island) in Montgomery
County; in Potomac River, (1 1/2) miles
northwest of Oak Spring Lock.
(N. 39°02' W. 77°16') SEN