Chesaco Park: (town) in Baltimore County;
on north shore of Back River; (1 1/4) miles
southeast of Rosedale; elev. (25); pop. (377);
Penna. R.R.
(N. 39°19' W. 76°30') BAL
Chesapeake: (town) in Cecil County; see Ches-
apeake City.
Chesapeake Bay: (bay) a large bay dividing
eastern and western sections of Maryland,
head at mouth of Susquehanna River; flow-
ing in a southerly direction to the Atlantic
(N. 39°33' W. 76°03') HAV
Chesapeake Beach: (town) in Calvert County;
(4) miles east of Mount Harmony (village) ;
incorporated; elev. 15; pop. 326; P. O.;
Md. 260-261.
(N. 38°42' W. 76°32') PRI.F.
Chesapeake City: (town) in Cecil County;
(5 1/2) miles southeast of Elkton; incorpo-
rated; elev. 17; pop. 1,094; P. O.; U. S.
213; Md. 284-285-286-310.
(N. 39°32' W. 75°49') ELK
Chesapeake Mills: (mills) in Baltimore County;
at Sparrows Point; on north shore of Pa-
tapsco River; elev. 3; B. & O. R.R.; P. & B.
(N. 39°13' W..76°30') N.P.
Chesapeake and Ohio Canal: (canal) in Alle-
gany, Frederick, Montgomery and Washing-
ton Counties; running parallel with Potomac
River from Cumberland to Georgetown,
D. C., emptying into Rock Creek.
(N. 39°39' W. 78°46') FROST
Chest Neck: (neck) in Anne Arundel County;
strip of land between Blackhole Creek and
Magothy River, 2 miles south of Lakeshore.
(N. 39°05' W. 76°30') N.P.
Chester: (town) in Queen Anne's County;
(1 1/2) miles southeast of Stevensville ; elev.
15; pop. (366); P. O.; B. & E. R.R.; Md.
404-552; Western Union; Express Agency.
(N. 38°58' W. 76°17') ANN
Chester Rivers (river) in Kent and Queen
Anne's Counties; branch of Chesapeake Bay,
rising (2) miles west of Millington, divid-
ing Queen Anne's and Kent Counties.
(N. 39°15' W. 75°52') BAR
Chester Town: (town) in Kent County; see
Chesterfield: (village) in Anne Arundel
County ; (1/2 ) mile southeast of Mount Tabor
Church; elev. 133; pop. (57).
(N. 39°00' W. 76°37') REL
Chestertown: (town) in Kent County; County
Seat; on west bank of Chester River; (2)
miles southwest of mouth of Morgan Creek;
incorporated; elev. 22; pop. 2,760; P. O.;
Penna. R.R.; U. S. 213; Md. 20-289-447;
Western Union; Express Agency.
(N. 39°12' W. 76°04') CHE
Chesterville: (village) in Kent County; (4 1/2)
miles northwest of Millington; elev. 55;
Md. 290-447.
(N. 39°17' W. 75°55') CEC
Chestnut Grove: in Garrett County.
Chestnut Hill: (village) in Calvert County.
Chestnut Hill: (hill) in Frederick County;
(1 1/2) miles northwest of Woodsboro; elev.
(N. 39°32' W. 77°20') EMM
Chestnut Hill: (village) in Harford County;
(2) miles northwest of Gibson; elev. 440;
pop. (130).
(N. 39°37' W. 76°21') BEL
Chestnut Knob: (hill) in Garrett County; (3)
miles northeast of Beckman; elev. (2,580).
(N. 39°31' W. 79°10') GRA
Chestnut Ridge: (ridge) in Baltimore County;
(4) miles northeast of Gwynnbrook; elev.
(N. 39°29' W. 76°44') BAL
Chestnut Ridge: (ridge) in Garrett County;
(3) miles east of Grantsville; elev. (2,751).
(N. 39°42' W. 79°06') GRA
Chestnut Ridge: (village) in Montgomery
County; (2) miles northeast of Kensington.
(N. 39°02' W. 77°02') ROC
Cheston Creek: (creek) in Anne Arundel
County; branch of West River, (1 1/2) miles
northeast of Cumberstone.
(N. 38°52' W. 76°32') OWE
Cheston Point: (point) in Anne Arundel
County; on north shore of West River, (1 1/2)
miles east of Cumberstone.
(N. 38°52' W. 76°32') ' OWE
Cheswolde: (suburb) in Baltimore City; see
Baltimore City.
Cheverly: (town) in Prince George's County;
(1 1/4) miles southeast of Bladensburg; in-
corporated; elev. (140); pop. 996; Penna.
R.R.; Md. 202-459.
(N. 38°56' W. 76°55') E.W.
Chevy Chase: (town) in Montgomery County;
(3) miles southwest of Linden; elev. 360;
pop. (8,000); B. & 0. R.R.; U. S. 240;
Md. 186-191-193; Express Agency.
(N. 38°58' W. 77°05') W.W.
Chevy Chase View: (town) in Montgomery
County; see Chevy Chase.