Brooks Hill: (village) in Baltimore County;
(3/4) mile north of St. Helena; elev. 50.
(N. 39°16' W. 76°31') BAL
Brooks Run: (run) in St. Mary's County;
branch of Macintosh Run, mouth (3) miles
north of Leonardtown.
(N. 38°20' W. 76°37') LEO
Brookview: (village) in Dorchester County;
(3 1/2 ) miles southeast of Ennalls; elev. 24;
pop. (110) ; Md. 14-535.
(N. 38°35' W. 75°48') HUR
Brookville: (village) in Dorchester County;
see Brookview.
Brookville: (town) in Montgomery County;
see Brookeville.
Broom Island: (village) in Calvert County; see
Broome Island.
Broome Island: (island) in Calvert County; in
Patuxent River; (2 1/2) miles northwest of
Parkers Wharf.
(N. 38°24' W. 76°33') LEO
Broome Island: (village) in Calvert County; on
Patuxent River; (2 1/2) miles northwest of
Wallville; elev. 20; pop. (81); P. O.; Md.
(N. 38°25' W. 76°33') LEO
Broomes Island: (village) in Calvert County;
see Broome Island.
Broomes Wharf: (landing) in St. Mary's
County; on east shore of St. Marys River
at St. Mary's City.
(N. 38°11' W. 76°26') POI
Broomfield: in Charles County.
Browing Run: (run) in Garrett County; branch
of Muddy Creek, rising in West Virginia and
flowing east into Maryland, mouth (1 1/4)
miles northwest of Browning Mill.
(N. 39°32' W. 79°29') ACC
Browingsville: (village) in Montgomery
County; (2 1/2) miles northwest of Damas-
cus; elev. 475; pop. (116); Md. 122.
(N. 39°18' W. 77°15') MT.A.
Brown: (village) in Montgomery County; (1)
mile west of Gaithersburg; elev. 440; B.
& 0. R.R.
(N. 39°09' W. 77°13') ROC
Brown: (village) in Prince George's County;
(3/4) mile south of Westphalia; elev. (100);
P. O.
(N. 38°51' W. 76°49') E.W.
Brown's Station: (station) in Prince George's
County; see Brown.
Browning Mill: (village) in Garrett County;
(3) miles northwest of Swallow Falls; elev.
(N. 39°31' W. 79°28') ACC
Browns Branch: (branch) in Queen Anne's
County; (branch) of Southeast Creek,
mouth (1 1/2) miles northwest of Church Hill.
(N. 39°09' W. 76°00') BAR
Browns Creek: (creek) in Baltimore County;
branch of Hawks Cove, mouth (4 1/2) miles
southeast of Walters.
(N. 39°16' W. 76°23') GUN
Browns Creek: (creek) in Kent County; branch
of Chester River, mouth (1 1/2) miles south-
east of Pomona.
N. 39°09' W. 76°05') CHE
Browns Landing: (landing) in Dorchester
County; on Marshyhope Creek, (1 1/4) miles
southeast of Williamsport; elev. 5.
(N. 38°39' W. 75°49') HUR
Browns Landing: (landing) in Queen Anne's
Browns Point: (point) in Baltimore County.
Browns Point: (point) in Kent County; on west
shore of Grays Inn Creek, (2) miles south-
east of Rock Hall.
(N. 39°06' W. 76°13') CHE
Browns Store: (village) in Washington
County; (2) miles southeast of Edgemont;
elev. 1,460.
(N. 39°40' W. 77°30') HAG
Browns Woods: (village) in Anne Arundel
County; (1) mile southeast of Winchester;
elev. (60); Md. 179.
(N. 39°00' W. 76°?9') N.P.
Brownsville: (village) in Queen Anne's County;
(2) miles west of Centreville; elev. 65.
(N. 39°03' W. 76°06') CHE
Brownsville: (village) in Washington County;
(1 1/2) miles south of Gapland; elev. 600;
pop. (140) ; P. O.; B. & O. R.R.; Md. 67.
(N. 39°23' W. 77°40') ANT
. Bruceville: in Baltimore.
Bruceville: (village) in Carroll County; (3/4)
mile north of Keymar; elev. 400; pop. (146) ;
Md. 71.
(N. 39°37' W. 77°14') TAN
Bruceville: (village) in Talbot County; (3/4)
mile southwest of Windyhill; elev. 35; pop.
(N. 38°40' W. 75°59') ELK
Bruceville Station: (junction) in Carroll
County; junction of W. M. R.R. and Penna.
R. R. situated in Keymar; see Keymar.
Bruff Island: (island) in Talbot County; see
Bruffs Island.
Bruffs Island: (island) in Talbot County; in
Wye River, (2 1/2) miles northwest of Cop-
(N. 38°51' W. 76°11') ST.M.