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Gazetteer of Maryland (1941)
Volume 478, Page 173   View pdf image (33K)
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Randallstown: (village) in Baltimore County;
(2 1/2) miles southeast of Harrisonville; elev.
585; pop. (141); P. O.; Md. 26.
(N. 39°22' W. 76°48') ELL

Randle: in Prince George's County.

Randle Cliffs: (village) in Calvert County; on
Chesapeake Bay, (1 1/4) miles south of Sea
(N. 38°40' W. 76° 32') PRI. F.

Randolph: (village) in Montgomery County;
(1 1/2) miles northwest of Garrett Park; elev.
358; pop. (50); B. & O. R.R.
(N. 39°03' W. 77°07') ROC

Range Light: (light) in Anne Arundel County;
on Leading Point in Curtis Bay; elev. (100).
(N. 39°13' W. 76°34') REL

Rangers Lodge: in Harford County.

Ransom: (village) in Carroll County; (3/4)
mile southeast of Patapsco; elev. 480.
(N. 39°32' W. 76°53') WES

Rasin: (suburb) in Baltimore City; see Balti-
more City.

Raspeburg: (suburb) in Baltimore City; see
Baltimore City.

Rattlesnake Branch: (branch) in Carroll
County; branch of Meadow Branch, mouth
(1 1/4) miles southwest of Tyrone.
(N. 39°36' W. 77°06') TAN

Rattlesnake Island: (island) in Worcester
County; in Martin Bay, (2 1/2) miles south-
east of Boxiron.
(N. 38°06' W. 75°19') SNO

Rattlesnake Island: (village) in Worcester

Rattlesnake Landing: (landing) in Worcester
County; on Martin Bay, near mouth of
Purnell Cove, (1/2) mile north of Rattle-
snake Island; elev. 1.
(N. 38°06' W. 75°19') SNO

Raven Rock Hollow: (hollow) in Washington
County; in South Mountain, (1) mile south-
east of Edgemont; elev. (1,157).
(N. 39° 40' W. 77° 32') HAG

Rawlings: (village) in Allegany County; at
northernmost extremity of Fort Hill; elev.
707; pop. (119); P. O.; B. & O. R.R.; W. M.
R.R.; U. S. 220.
(N. 39°32' W. 78°53') FROST

Raxton: in Baltimore County.

Raymond Ditch: (run) in Dorchester County;
branch of Blackwater River, (2 3/4) miles
northeast of Gum Swamp.
(N. 38°26' W. 76°07') CRA

Raynesville: in Worcester County.
Raynors Store: in Montgomery County.

Rayville: (village) in Baltimore County; (2 1/4)
miles northwest of Parkton; elev. 801; pop.
(N. 39°39' W. 76°42') PAR

Read Creek: (creek) in Talbot County; see
Reeds Creek.

Reardon Inlet: (creek) in Harford County;
branch of Gunpowder River, mouth (1) mile
south of Magnolia.
(N. 39°23' W. 76°20') GUN

Reason Run: (run) in Garrett County; branch
of Youghiogheny River, mouth in Pennsyl-
vania, head (1) mile northeast of Asher
(N. 39°43' W. 79°26') ACC

Reckord: (village) in Baltimore County; on
Little Gunpowder Falls, (1 1/4) miles north-
east of Fork; elev. 236; pop. (186); Md.
(N. 39°29' W. 76°25') GUN

Reckords Mills: (village) in Baltimore County;
see Reckord.

Recordsville : (village) in Baltimore County;
see Reckord.

Rectors Mills: in Harford County.
Red Hill: in Cecil County.
Red Hill Station: (station) in Allegany County.

Red House: (village) in Garrett County; see

Red House: in St. Mary's County.

Red House Branch: (branch) in Queen Anne's

Red House Creek: (creek) in Baltimore
County; branch of Back River, mouth (3/4)
mile south of Rosedale.
(N. 39°19' W. 76°31') BAL

Red Lion Branch: (branch) in Queen Anne's
County; branch of Chester River, mouth
(1/2) mile east of Crumpton.
(N. 39°15' W. 75°55') BAR

Red Oak: in Worcester County.

Red Oak Run: (run) in Garrett County; branch
of Laurel Run, mouth (3) miles southwest of
(N. 39°14' W. 79°27') DAV

Red Point: (point) in Cecil County; projecting
into East River, (2) miles northwest of
Elk Neck (village); elev. (20).
(N. 39°32' W. 75°59') ELK

Red Ridge: (ridge) in Garrett County; parallel
to Meadow Mountain; on east; elev. (2,760).
(N. 39° 40' W. 79° 05') GRA


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Gazetteer of Maryland (1941)
Volume 478, Page 173   View pdf image (33K)
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