Onkanikan Cove: (cove) in Dorchester County;
see Okahanikan Cove.
Opossum Hill: (hill) in Caroline County; (1 1/4)
miles southwest of Concord; elev. (54).
(N. 38°47' W. 75°48') DEN
Opossum Island: (island) in Dorchester
County; in Tar Bay, (1/4) mile east of Bar-
ren Island.
(N. 38°19' W. 76°15') CRA
Opossum Point: (point) in Anne Arundel
County; see Possum Point.
Orange: (village) in Caroline County; on
Choptank River, (1 1/4) miles southwest of
Tanyard; elev. 10.
(N. 38°44' W. 76°00') HUR
Orange Grove: (village) in Baltimore County;
on Patapsco River, (2 1/2) miles northwest
of Relay; elev. 100; B. & O. R.R.
(N. 39°15' W. 76°45') LAU
Orange Grove: (village) in Baltimore and
Howard Counties; (2 3/4) miles northwest of
Elkridge; elev. 90; B. & O. R.R.
(N. 39°15' W. 76°45') LAU
Orangeville: (suburb) in Baltimore City; see
Baltimore City.
Oraville P. O.: (post office) in St. Mary's
County; see Turner.
Orchard Point: (point) in Kent County; pro-
jecting into Langford Bay, at mouth of East
Fork Branch.
(N. 39°07' W. 76°10') CUE
Orchard Station: (station) in Allegany County.
Ordinary Point: (point) in Cecil County; pro-
jecting into Sassafras River, south shore of
Grove Neck, (4 1/2) miles southwest of Earle-
(N. 39°22' W. 75°59') CEC
Ordnance Station: (government reservation) in
Anne Arundel County; see U. S. Army Ord-
nance Depot.
Oregon: (village) in Baltimore County; (2 1/2)
miles northwest of Cockeysville; elev. 370;
pop. (39).
(N. 39°30' W. 76°41') BAL
Oregon: (village) in Carroll County; (2 1/4)
miles southeast of Taneytown; elev. (460).
(N. 39°38' W. 77°09') TAN
Oregon Branch: (branch) in Baltimore County;
branch of Beaverdam Run, mouth (1/4) mile
west of Cockeysville.
(N. 39°29' W. 76°39') BAL
Oriole: (town) in Somerset County; (1) mile
southeast of Monie; elev. (2) ; pop. 412; P. O.
(N. 38°10' W. 75°49') DEA
Orleans Roads: in Allegany County.
Orme: (village) in Prince George's County;
(1/2) mile southeast of Horsehead; elev. 220;
pop. (50); Md. 381.
(N. 38°39' W. 76°46') BRA
Osborn Station: (station) in Prince George's
County; see Osborne Station.
Osborne: (village) in Harford County; (2)
miles southwest of Havre de Grace; elev.
73; pop. (30); B. & O. R.R.
(N. 39°32' W. 76°08') HAV
Osborne Station: (station) in Prince George's
County; station of Penna. R.R. in Towns-
hend; see Townshend.
Osceola: in Harford County.
Ottaway: (village) in Garrett County; (1/2)
mile south of Hutton; elev. 2,500; pop. (175);
B. & O. R.R.; Md. 39.
(N. 39°25' W. 79°29') OAK
Otter Creek: (village) in Harford County.
Otter Creek: (creek) in Somerset County;
branch of Tangier Sound, mouth (1 1/4) miles
northwest of Drum Point.
(N. 38°00' W. 75°59') DEA
Otter Dale Mills: (village) in Carroll County;
see Otterdale Mill.
Otter Island: (island) in Somerset County; in
Tangier Sound, (1 3/4) miles east of Tyler-
(N. 37°58' W. 76°00') CRI
Otter Point: (village) in Harford County;
(2 3/4) miles northeast of Edgewood; Penna.
(N. 39°26' W. 76°15') GUN
Otter Point: (point) in St. Mary's County; pro-
jecting into St. Jerome Creek, (1 1/2) miles
east of Ridge.
(N. 38°07' W. 76°20') POI
Otter Point: in Somerset County.
Otter Point Creek: (creek) in Harford County;
branch of Bush River, mouth (2) miles south-
east of Abingdon.
(N. 39°27' W. 76°15') GUN
Otter Pond: (pond) in Anne Arundel County;
on Gibson Island.
(N. 39°04' W. 76°26') N.P.
Otter Pond: (pond) in Dorchester County;
drained by Snarepole Gut, (4 1/2) miles south-
west of Bucktown.
(N. 38°24' W. 76°05') CRA
Otterbein Church: (village) in Washington
County; (2) miles northwest of Downsville;
elev. 410.
(N. 39°33' W. 77°50') WIL