Oak Creek: (creek) in Talbot County; branch
of Miles River, mouth (11/2) miles southwest
of Kirkham.
(N. 38°45' W. 76°10') ST.M.
Oak Crest: (village) in Prince George's
County; (1 3/4) miles south of Laurel; elev.
180; pop. (115); B. & O. R.R.
(N. 39°05' W. 76°52 ) LAU
Oak Forest: (village) in Baltimore County;
(3/4) mile southwest of Catonsville; elev. 492.
(N. 39°16' W. 76°45') BAL
Oak Grove: in Caroline County.
Oak Grove: (village) in Prince George's
County; (2) miles west of Leeland; elev. 125;
Md. 202.
(N. 38°52' W. 76°47 ) E.W.
Oak Hill: in Montgomery County.
Oak Island: (island) in Worcester County; in
Assawoman Bay, (2 3/4) miles east of Musk-
(N. 38°27' W. 75°05 ) OCE
Oak Orchard: (village) in Frederick County;
(2 1/4) miles southeast of Oldfield; elev. 658;
pop. (62).
(N. 39°30' W. 77°09 ) MT.A.
Oak Shoals: (shoals) in Garrett County; in
Youghiogheny River, (23/4) miles south of
Swallow Falls.
(N. 39°28' W. 79°25') OAK
Oak Spring: in St. Mary's County.
Oak Spring Lock: (village) in Montgomery
County; (13/4) miles northwest of Potomac;
elev. 200; Md. 190.
(N. 39°02' W. 77°15') ROC
Oakdale: (village) in Montgomery County;
(11/2) miles south of Olney; elev. 504; pop.
(50); Md. 28-97.
(N. 39°08' W. 77°04 ) ROC
Oakgrove Church: (village) in Charles County;
(1 1/4) miles southeast of Nanjemoy; elev.
(N. 38°24' W. 77°11') NANJ
Oakhill School: (village) in Frederick County;
(3/4) mile north of Le Gore; elev. 500.
(N. 39°34 W. 77°19 ) EMM
Oakington: (village) in Harford County; (2)
miles southwest of Havre de Grace; elev.
50; pop. (50); Penna. R.R.
(N. 39°32' W. 76°07') HAV
Oakland: (village) in Baltimore County; (1)
mile northwest of Freeland; elev. 715.
(N. 39°43' W. 76°42') PAR
Oakland: (village) in Caroline County; (3)
miles north of Ridgely; elev. 60; pop. (75);
Md. 312.
(N. 38°59' W. 75°53') DEN
Oakland: (village) in Carroll County; on
North Branch of Patapsco River, (11/4) miles
northeast of Haight; elev. 450; pop. (35);
Md. 93.
(N. 39°25' W. 76°53') ELL
Oakland: in Harford County.
Oakland: in Howard County.
Oakland: (town) in Garrett County; County
Seat; on Little Youghiogheny River; incor-
porated; elev. 2,461; pop. 1,587; P. O.; B. &
O. R.R.; U. S. 219; Md. 39-41-560; Western
Union; Express Agency
(N. 39°25' W. 79°25') OAK
Oakland: (village) in Prince George's County;
(21/2) miles northwest of Forestville; elev.
275; Md. 4-458.
(N. 38° 52' W. 76° 55') E.W.
Oakland Mills: (village) in Howard County;
(11/2) miles southwest of Columbia; elev.
425; pop. (100).
(N. 39°13' W. 76°51') LAU