Little Savage River: (river) in Garrett
County; branch of Savage River, mouth
(4 1/4) miles southeast of New Germany;
elev. (1,940).
(N. 39°36' W. 79°03') GRA
Little Seneca: (village) in Montgomery
County; (1 1/4) miles northeast of Dawson-
(N. 39°09' W. 77°20') SEN
Little Seneca Branch: (creek) in Montgomery
County; see Little Seneca Creek.
Little Seneca Creek: (creek) in Montgomery
County; branch of Seneca Creek, mouth
(1 1/4) miles northeast of Dawsonville.
(N. 39°09' W. 77°20') SEN
Little Shade Run: (run) in Garrett County;
branch of Big Shade Run, mouth (1) mile
southwest of Grantsville.
(N. 39°42' W. 79°10') GRA
Little Thorofare: (strait) in Somerset County;
connecting Tangier Sound and Chesapeake
(N. 37°58' W. 76°00') EWE
Little Tonoloway Creek: (creek) in Washing-
ton County; branch of Tonoloway Creek,
mouth (3) miles northwest of Hancock.
(N. 39°43' W. 78°14') HAN
Little Troy Island: (island) in Somerset
County; in Smith Island group, (1) mile
northeast of Ewell.
(N. 38°00' W. 76°01') BL. IS.
Little Tuscarora Creek: (creek) in Frederick
County; branch of Tuscarora Creek, mouth
(3 1/2) miles north of Frederick.
(N. 39°28' W. 77°25') FRED
Little Youghiogheny River: (river) in Garrett
County; branch of Youghiogheny River,
mouth (1 1/4) miles northwest of Oakland.
(N. 39°25' W. 79°25') OAK
Liverpool: in Charles County.
Liverpool Point: (point) in Charles County;
on east shore of Potomac River, (1 3/4) miles
southwest of Jacksontown.
(N. 38°28' W. 77° 16') NANJ
Liverpool Point Wharf: (village) in Charles
County; see Liverpool Wharf.
Liverpool Wharf: (village) in Charles County;
on east shore of Potomac River, (2) miles
southwest of Jacksontown; elev. 15; pop.
(N. 38°28' W. 77°16') NANJ
Lizzard Island: (island) in Worcester County;
see Tizzard Island.
Llandaff: (village) in Talbot County; (1/2)
mile west of Stumptown; pop. (12); Penna.
R.R.; Md. 333.
(N. 38°44' W. 76°05') OXF
Lloyd: in Prince George's County.
Lloyd Creek: (creek) in Kent County; branch
of Sassafras River, mouth (2) miles south-
east of Betterton.
(N. 39°22' W. 76°02') BET
Lloyd Creek: (creek) in Talbot County; branch
of Wye East River, mouth (2 1/2) miles
north of Copperville.
(N. 38°52' W. 76°10') ST.M.
Lloyd Landing: (village) in Talbot County;
on Choptank River, (3) miles southeast of
Manadier; elev. 5; pop. (10).
(N. 38°41' W. 76°00') HUR
Lloyd Point: (point) in Baltimore County; on
south shore of Humphrey Creek, (1) mile
northwest of Sparrows Point.
(N. 39°14' W. 76°30') N.P.
Lloyds: (village) in Dorchester County; (1 1/2)
miles southeast of Cornersville; elev. 2;
pop. (29) ; Md. 343.
(N. 38°35' W. 76°11') OXF
Lloyds: in Garrett County.
Lloyds Point: (point) in Baltimore County;
see Lloyd Point.
Loartown: (village) in Allegany County; (3/4)
mile east of Vale Summit; elev. 2,075; Md.
(N. 38°37' W. 78° 54') FROST
Loarville: (village) in Allegany County; see
Loch Lynn: (town) in Garrett County; see
Lock Lynn Heights.
Loch Lynn Heights: (town) in Garrett County;
see Lock Lynn Heights.
Loch Raven: (village) in Baltimore County;
(3 3/4) miles northeast of Towson; elev. 180;
pop. (62); P.O.; M. & P. R.R.; Md. 567.
(N. 39°25' W. 76°32') BAL
Loch Raven Dam: (reservoir) in Baltimore
County; created by damming of Gunpowder
Falls, (4) miles northeast of Towson.
(N. 39°27' W. 76°34') BAL
Lochearn: (village) in Baltimore County; (1 1/2)
miles north of Woodlawn; elev. 409; Md.
(N. 39°20' W. 76°43') BAL
Lock: (village) in Washington County; see
Lock 53.
Lock 11: (village) in Montgomery County;
on C. & 0. canal, (1/2) mile southwest of
Cabin John; elev. 160; Md. 191.
(N. 38°58' W. 77°10') W.W.
Lock 33: in Washington County.
Lock 53: (village) in Washington County; on
Potomac River, (5) miles southwest of Han-
cock; elev. 450; pop. (60).
(N. 39°39' W. 78°15') HAN