Laurel Park Race Track: (race track) in Anne
Arundel County; (1) mile east of Laurel;
Western Union.
(N. 39°06' W. 76°50') LAU
Laurel Run: (run) in Allegany and Garrett
Counties; rising in Big Savage Mountain
in Garrett County, flowing into George's
Creek at Moscow Mills in Allegany County.
(N. 39°33' W. 79°00') ACC
Laurel Run: (run) in Cecil County; branch
of Little Elk Creek, mouth (2) miles north-
west of Elkton.
(N. 39°37' W. 75°52') ELK
Laurel Run: (run) in Garrett County; branch
of Buffalo Run, mouth (3/4) mile northeast
of Fike.
(N. 39°42' W. 79°26') ACC
Laurel Run: (run) in Garrett County; branch
of North Branch Potomac River, mouth at
(N. 39°20' W. 79°15') OAK
Laurel Run: (run) in Garrett County; branch
of North Branch Potomac River, mouth (3/4)
mile south of Wilson.
(N. 39°15' W. 79°25') OAK
Laurel Run: (run) in Garrett County; branch
of Youghiogheny River, mouth (1 3/4) miles
northwest of Elder.
(N. 39°38' W. 79°25') ACC
Laurel Run: (run) in Garrett County; branch
of Youghiogheny River, mouth at Crellin.
(N. 39°23' W. 79°28') OAK
Lauver: (village) in Carroll County; (3/4)
mile northwest of Houcksville; elev. 720.
(N. 39°35' W. 76°53') WES
La Vale: (village) in Allegany County; (2)
miles west of Cumberland; elev. 700; U. S.
(N. 39°39' W. 78°49') FROST
Lavender Hill: (town) in Baltimore County;
(1/4) mile west of Parkville; elev. 343; pop.
(N. 39°22' W. 76°33') BAL
Lawndale: (village) in Carroll County; on
North Branch Patapsco River, (1 3/4) miles
southeast of Patapsco; elev. 458; W. M. R.R.
(N. 39°31' W. 76°53') WES
Lawrence Pt. Landing: in St. Mary's County.
Laws Thorofare: (strait) in Somerset County;
connecting Tangier Sound and Manokin
River, between Deal Island (island) and
(N. 38°09' W. 75°56') DEA
Lawsonia: (town) in Somerset County; (1)
mile southeast of Crisfield; elev. 4; pop.
(2,550); Md. 358-359-360-380-413.
(N. 37°59' W. 75°50') CRI
Lawyers Cove: (cove) in Kent County; inlet
of Langford Creek, (3 1/4) miles southeast
of Rock Hall.
(N. 39°07' W. 76°11') CHE
Lawyers Hill: (hill) in Howard County; (3/4)
mile northwest of Elkridge; elev. (260).
(N. 39°13' W. 76°44') REL
Lawyers Hill: (village) in Howard County;
(3/4) mile northwest of Elkridge.
(N. 39°13' W. 76°44') REL
Layhill: (village) in Montgomery County;
(2 1/4) miles southeast of Norbeck; elev.
438; pop. (150); Md. 182.
(N. 39°05' W. 77°03') ROC
Laytonsville: (town) in Montgomery County;
(1 1/2) miles northwest of Claysville; in-
corporated; elev. 615; pop. (127); P. O.; Md.
(N. 39°13' W. 77°09') ROC
Lazaretto Point: (point) in Baltimore City;
see Baltimore City.
Leadenham Creek: (creek) in Talbot County;
branch of Broad Creek, mouth (2) miles
southeast of Bozman.
(N. 38°45' W. 76°15') SH.I.
Leading Point: (point) in Baltimore City; see
Baltmiore City.
Leahigh Station: (station) in Baltimore City;
see Baltimore City.
Learys Mill Wharf: (landing) in Kent County;
on west shore of Grays Inn Creek, (1 1/4)
miles south of Rock Hall; elev. 5.
(N. 39°07' W. 76°14') CHE
Learys Wharf: (landing) in Kent County; on
west shore of West Fork of Langford
Creek, (2 3/4) miles northeast of Rock Hall;
elev. (5).
(N. 39°08' W. 76°11') CHE
Leawood: in Montgomery County.
Lecompte Bay: (bay) in Dorchester County;
inlet of Choptank River, (1 1/2) miles north-
east of Lloyds.
(N. 38°36' W. 76°09') OXF
Lecompte Creek: (creek) in Dorchester County;
branch of Lecompte Bay, mouth (1 1/4) miles
northeast of Lloyds.
(N. 38°36' W. 76°10') OXF
Lee: (village) in Howard County; (1 1/2) miles
southeast of Ellicott City; elev. 120; pop.
(15); B. & O. R.R.
(N. 39°15' W. 76°46') ELL
Lee Creek: (creek) in Dorchester County;
branch of Little Choptank River, mouth (2)
miles northwest of Dailsville.
(N. 38°34' W. 76°10') OXF
Lee's Creek: (creek) in Dorchester County;
see Lee Creek.