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Gazetteer of Maryland (1941)
Volume 478, Page 109   View pdf image (33K)
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Jelmstown: (village) in Carroll County; (1)
mile north of Eldersburg; elev. 635.
(N. 39° 25' W. 76° 58') ELL
Jenifer Branch: (branch) in Baltimore County;
branch of Gunpowder Falls, mouth (2 1/4)
miles south of Glenarm.
(N. 39°25' W. 76°30') BAL
Jenkins: (village) in Baltimore County; (1)
mile northeast of Gittings; elev. 352; pop.
(N. 39°29' W. 76°29') GUN
Jenkins Creek: (creek) in Dorchester County;
branch of Choptank River, mouth (2) miles
northwest of Cambridge.
(N. 38°35' W. 76°07') OXF
Jenkins Creek: (creek) in Somerset County;
branch of Little Annemessex River, mouth
(1 1/2) miles south of Crisfield.
(N. 37°57' W. 75°52') CRI
Jenkins Hill: (ridge) in Garrett County; bor-
dered by Savage River, Bear Pen Run and
Poplar Lick Run.
(N. 39°35' W. 79°06') GRA

Jenkins Point: (point) in Worcester County;
on south shore of St. Martin River, (3)
miles northeast of Taylorville.
(N. 38°23' W. 75°07') OCE

Jenkins Run: (run) in Baltimore County; ris-
ing (1) mile southwest of Blenheim and
flowing into Loch Raven.
(N. 39°28' W. 76°33') BAL

Jennie Run: (run) in Charles County; branch
of Port Tobacco Creek, mouth (2 1/2) miles
northwest of La Plata.
(N. 38°33' W. 77°01') IND

Jennings: (village) in Garrett County; (3/4)
mile southeast of Bevansville; elev. 2,260;
pop. (153); P. 0.
(N. 39°39' W. 79°11') GRA
Jennings Run: (run) in Allegany County;
branch of Wills Creek, mouth at Corrigan-
(N. 39°42' W. 78°47') FROST
Jenny Island: (island) in Dorchester County;
in Hooper Strait, (3) miles south of Bishop
(N. 38°14' W. 76°03') BL.IS.

Jericho Marsh: (marsh) in Somerset County;
bordered by Tangier Sound, Manokin River
and Big Annemessex River; see Flatland
(N. 38°05' W. 75°51') DEA

Jericho Marshes: (marsh) in Somerset County;
see Flatland Marsh.

Jericho Park: (village) in Prince George's
County; see Gericho Park.

Jerico: in Baltimore County.
Jerico: in Somerset County.

Jerico Marsh: (marsh) in Somerset County;
see Flatland Marsh.
Jersey: (suburb) in Wicomico County; see

Jersey Island: (island) in Somerset County;
bordered by Little Annemessex River and
Jenkins Creek, south of Crisfield.
(N. 37°58' W. 75°51') CRI

Jerusalem: in Carroll County.

Jerusalem: (village) in Frederick County;
(1 1/2) miles northwest of Myersville; elev.
(N. 39°31' W. 77°35') HAG

Jerusalem: (village) in Harford County; (2 1/4)
miles southeast of Bagley; elev. 145; pop.
(N. 39° 28' W. 76° 23') GUN

Jerusalem Church: in Harford County.

Jessup: (village) in Anne Arundel County;
(2 1/2) miles southwest of Dorsey; elev. 172;
pop. (161); P. O.; B. & O. R.R.; Md. 175;
Express Agency.
(N. 39°09' W. 76°46') LAU

Jessup: (village) in Howard County; (2 1/4)
miles northeast of Savage; elev. 172; pop.
(161); B. & 0. R.R.
(N. 39°09' W. 76°47') LAU
Jessups: (village) in Anne Arundel County;
see Jessup.
Jesterville: (town) in Wicomico County; (1)
mile northeast of Nanticoke; elev. 5; pop.
(316); P. O.; Md. 349.
(N. 38°17' W. 75°53') NANT

Jewell: (village) in Anne Arundel County; (2)
miles northwest of Friendship; elev. 160;
pop. (33); P. O.
(N. 38°45' W. 76°37') OWE
Jewsburg: in Carroll County.
Jimtown: (village) in Frederick County; (2)
miles southeast of Thurmont; elev. 433; pop.
(25); Md. 550.
(N. 39°36' W. 77°24') EMM

Job Ditch: (creek) in Dorchester County; con-
necting two bends of Blackwater River,
(2 1/2) miles east of Andrews.
(N. 38°21' W. 76°02') CRA

Joes Cove: (cove) in Dorchester County; inlet
of Honga River, (1 3/4) miles southwest of
(N. 38°18' W. 76°08') CRA

Joes Ridge Creek: (creek) in Somerset County;
branch of Barnes Cove, on Smith Island.
(N. 38°00' W. 76°00') BL.IS.
Johns Hammock: (island) in Worcester
County; in Assawoman Bay, (3) miles south-
east of Muskrattown.
(N. 38°26' W. 75°05') OCE


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Gazetteer of Maryland (1941)
Volume 478, Page 109   View pdf image (33K)
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