Hughletts Neck: in Dorchester County.
Hulls Addition: in Baltimore County.
Hullsville: in Baltimore County.
Humbert School: (village) in Carroll County;
(2) miles north of Silver Run; elev. 780.
(N. 39°43' W. 77°02') TAN
Humphrey Creek: (creek) in Baltimore
County; branch of Bear Creek, mouth (1)
mile northwest of Sparrows Point.
(N. 39°14' W. 76°29') N,P.
Humphreys Creek: (creek) in Baltimore
County; see Humphrey Creek.
Hungary Neck: in Somerset County.
Hungrytown: in Worcester County.
Hunters Switch: in Baltimore County.
Huntersville: (village) in St. Mary's County;
(2) miles northeast of Mechanicsville; elev.
175; pop. (90); Md. 6.
(N. 38°28' W. 76° 44') LEO
Hunting Church: in Dorchester County.
Hunting Creek: (creek) in Calvert County;
branch of Patuxent River, mouth (3 1/2)
miles northwest of Barstow.
(N. 38°33' W. 76°40') PRI.F.
Hunting Creek: (village) in Calvert County;
(3 1/2) miles northwest of Barton.
(N. 38°33' W. 76°40') PRI.F.
Hunting Creek: (creek) in Caroline and Dor-
chester Counties; branch of Choptank River,
forming part of boundary between Caroline
and Dorchester Counties, mouth (3) miles
southwest of Ellwood.
(N. 38°41' W. 75°56') BRA
Hunting Creek: (creek) in Frederick County;
branch of Monocacy River, mouth (2) miles
south of Creagerstown.
(N. 39°33' W. 77°22') EMM
Hunting Creek: (village) in Frederick County;
(2) miles south of Creagerstown.
(N. 39°33' W. 77°22') EMM
Hunting Creek: (creek) in Talbot County;
branch of Miles River, mouth (3 1/4) miles
south of Tunis Mills.
(N. 38°46' W. 76°10') ST.M.
Hunting Hill: (village) in Montgomery
County; (3 1/2) miles northwest of Rockville;
elev. 461; pop. (53); Md. 28.
(N. 39°06' W. 77°13') ROC
Huntingfield Creek: (creek) in Kent County;
branch of Chesapeake Bay, (1) mile south-
west of Rock Hall.
(N. 39°07' W. 76°15') CHE
Huntingfield Point: (village) in Kent County;
point projecting into Rock Hall Harbor,
(1 1/2) miles southwest of Rock Hall.
(N. 39°07' W. 76°15') CHE
Iluntington: (village) in Calvert County; see
Iluntington City: in Prince George's County.
Huntington Terrace: (town) in Montgomery
County; (1 1/4) miles northwest of Bethesda;
elev. 360; pop. (312); Md. 187.
(N. 39°00' W. 77°07') W.W.
Huntingtown: (village) in Calvert County;
(4 1/2) miles southeast of Lower Marlboro;
elev. 170; pop. (30); P. O.; Md. 2-521-575.
(N. 38°37' W. 76°37') PRI.F.
Huntsville: in Prince George's County.
Hurlock: (town) in Dorchester County; (4 1/4)
miles northeast of East New Market; in-
corporated; elev. 45; pop. 800; P. O.; B. &
E. R.R., Penna. R.R.; U. S. 213; Md. 307-
339; Western Union; Express Agency.
(N. 38°38' W. 75°52') BRA
Hurry: (town) in St. Mary's County; (2)
miles south of Chaptico; elev. 130; pop.
(312); P. O.; Md. 499.
(N. 38°20' W. 76°46') WIC
Hursley Station: (station) in Worcester
County; Penna. R. R.; see Stockton.
Hurst Creek: (creek) in Dorchester County;
branch of Choptank River, rising (3/4) mile
southwest of Mount Holly.
(N. 38°33' W. 76°01') OXF
Hurstleigh: (village) in Baltimore County;
(1/2) mile north of Baltimore City; elev. 432.
(N. 39°23' W. 76°38') BAL
Hurts Wharf: (landing) in Dorchester County;
(1/2) mile southeast of Galestown.
(N. 38°34' W. 75°42') SEA
Hurtts: (village) in Dorchester County; (1/2)
mile south of Galestown; elev. 10.
(N. 38°34' W. 75°43') SEA
Husband: in Allegany County.
Button: (village) in Garrett County; (2 1/4)
miles northwest of Crellin; elev. 2,465; pop.
(112); P. O.; B. & O. R.R.; Md. 39.
(N. 39°25' W. 79°29') OAK
Hutton Creek: (creek) in Charles County;
see Hatton Creek.
Huyett: (village) in Washington County; (4)
miles west of Hagerstown; elev. 483; pop.
(52); U. S. 40, Md.; 398.
(N. 39°39' W. 77°48') WIL
Huyett Cross Roads: (village) in Washington
County; see Huyett.