Barrel Neck: (neck) in Talbot County; see
Barren Neck.
Barrellville : (village) in Allegany County; see
Barrellville Junction: (junction) in Allegany
County; see Barrelville.
Barrelville: (village) in Allegany County; (2)
miles east of Mount Savage; elev. 1,012;
pop. (10) ; C. & P. R.R.; Md. 36-47.
(N. 39°42' W. 78°61') FROST
Barren: (village) in Dorchester County; on
Barren Island in Chesapeake Bay, (1 3/4)
miles west of Upper Hooper Island; elev.
(N. 38°20' W. 76°16') D.P.
Barren Creek: (creek) in Wicomico County;
branch of Nanticoke River, mouth (3) miles
west of Mardela Springs.
(N. 38°28' W. 75°49') NANT
Barren Creek: (village) in Wicomico County;
(2) miles east of Mardela Springs; elev.
(N. 38°28' W. 75°44') SAL
Barren Creek Point: (point) in Dorchester
County; on west shore of Nanticoke River,
(1 1/2) miles south of Vienna.
(N. 38°28' W. 75°49') NANT
Barren Island: (island) in Dorchester County;
between Chesapeake Bay and Tar Bay,
(1 1/2) miles west of Upper Hooper Island.
(N. 38°20' W. 76°16') D.P.
Barren Point: (point) in Baltimore County;
projecting into Norman Creek; (2) miles
southeast of Walters.
(N. 39°18' W. 76°25') GUN
Barrett: (village) in Carroll County; see Ber-
Barritt: (village) in Garrett County.
Barren Creek Point: (point) in Dorchester
County; see Barren Creek Point.
Barron Island: (island) in Dorchester County;
see Barren Island.
Barron Neck: (neck) in Talbot County; on
Tilghman Island, between Harris Creek and
BlackwaJnut Cove.
(N. 38°41' W. 76°20') SH.I.
Barron Neck Point: (point) in Talbot County;
on south shore of Barron Neck, on Tilghman
(N. 38°41' W. 7€°20') SH.I.
Barry: (village) in Frederick County.
Barstow: (village) in Calvert County; (2)
miles southwest of Prince Frederick; elev.
160; pop. (46); P. O.; Md. 231.
(N. 38°32' W. 76°37') PBI.F.
Bartholows: (village) in Frederick County; (2)
miles southeast of New Market; elev. 535;
pop. (112) ; B. & O. R.R.; U. S. 40.
(N. 39°22' W. 77°14') FRED
Bartholows: in Washington County.
Bartlett Run: (run) in Allegany and Garrett
Counties; branch of Georges Creek, mouth
(1/4) mile north of Barton.
(N. 39°23' W. 79°01') GRA
Bartman Hill: (hill) in Frederick and Wash-
ington Counties; in South Mountain, on
boundary of Frederick and Washington
Counties; (3) miles northwest of Myersville;
elev. (1,400).
(N. 39°32' W.77°37') HAG
Barton: (town) in Allegany County; (3) miles
southwest of Lonaconing; incorporated;
elev. 1,320; pop. 781; P. O.; C. & P. R.R.;
Md. 36.
(N. 39°32' W. 79°01') GRA
Barton(E): in Allegany County; see Barton.
Bartonsville: (village) in Frederick County;
(3) miles southeast of Frederick; elev.
(420) ; pop. (203) ; U. S. 40.
(N. 39°24' W. 77°22') FRED
Basin Run: (run) in Cecil County; branch of
Octoraro Creek, mouth at Rowlandsville.
(N. 39°39' W. 76°08') HAV
Basket: (village) in Worcester County; see
Basket Switch.
Basket Switch: (village) in Worcester County;
(1 1/2) miles southwest of Newark; elev. 30;
U. S. 113.
(N. 38°14' W. 75°19') SNO
Bassett Creek: (creek) in Worcester County;
branch of Newport Bay; rising (1/4) mile
west of Ironshire.
(N. 38°17' W. 75°14') OCE
Bailer's Hall Hill: in Kent County.
Bats Neck: (neck) in Queen Anne's County;
see Batts Neck.
Battery Park: (village) in Montgomery
County; (1/4) mile west of Woodmont; (1)
mile south of Oakmont.
(N. 38°59' W. 77°07') W.W.
Battery Point: (point) in Baltimore County;
projecting into Gunpowder River, (1) mile
northeast of Carroll Island.
(N. 39°20' W. 76°20') GUN
Battle: (village) in Calvert County; (2 1/2)
miles southeast of Adelina; elev. 5; pop.
(100) ; Md. 512.
(N. 38°27' W. 76°36') LEO
Battle Creek: (creek) in Calvert County;
branch of Patuxent River, mouth (2 1/2)
miles southeast of Adelina.
(N. 38°27' W. 76°36') LEO