Fifty-Second. To a deed from George E. Hamilton and
wife to the ''Corporation of the Roman Catholic Clergymen,"
dated April 13, 1900, and recorded among the Land Records
of Charles county, in Liber B. G. S. No. 10, folio 675, etc.
Fifty-Third. To a deed from Francis M. Cox and wife to
the "Corporation of the Roman Catholic Clergymen," dated
March 13, 1900, and recorded among the Land Records of
Charles county, in Liber B. G. S. No. 10, folio 617, etc.
Fifty-Fourth. To a deed from "Washington Burch to the
"Corporation of the Roman Catholic Clergymen," dated June
11, 1900, and recorded among the Land Records of Charles
county, in Liber B. G. S. No. 11, folio 41, etc.
Fifty-Fifth. To the sale and grant made by George W.
Hyde and Annie M. Hyde, his wife, to the trustees of the
Waverly Methodist Episcopal Church of Baltimore county, a
body corporate, of all their, the grantors' right, title, interest
and estate in and to that lot of ground and improvements
thereupon, situate in the village of Waverly, city of Balti-
more, Maryland, at the southwest corner of Jefferson and
Republic streets, fronting on Jefferson street by a depth of
even width, at right angles to Jefferson street to a lot of
ground formerly belonging to William C. Bordley, the eastern-
most line of said lot describing, binding the westernmost side
of Republic street, is about ninety-six feet, and the western-
most side of said lot describing is about one hundred and tive
feet; said sale and grant being evidenced by a deed, in fee
simple, from said grantors to the said grantees, dated June 6,
1900, and recorded among the Land Records of Baltimore
city, in Liber R. O. No. 1859, folio 350, etc.
Fifty-Sixth. To the bequest of five hundred dollars, under
the last will and testament of "Wm. J. Carr, late of Washing-
ton county, deceased, to the Trustees of the Church of the
United Brethren in Christ, at Keedysville, Washington county,
Maryland ; the interest whereof is to be used in said church.
Fifty-Seventh. To the bequest of one hundred dollars under
the will of Jacob Gross, late of Harford county, deceased, to
the Trustees of Bethel Presbyterian Church in Harford county.
Fifty-Eighth. To the bequest of one thousand dollars to the
Churchville Presbyterian Church (Harford county, Maryland),
contained in the last will and testament of Isabella W. Stras-
baugh, late of Harford county, deceased.
Fifty-Ninth. To the bequest of one hundred dollars to
Salem Evangelical Church, as contained in the last will and
testament of Jacob Gross, late of Harford county, deceased.
CHAP. 632.
Various gifts,